Monday, 29 July 2019

阿榮哥海南茶檔: 传承50余年的老味道,喜欢它就把它带回家 ll Ah Weng Koh Hainan Tea @ ICC Pudu, KL

提起燕美巴刹Imbi Market那绝对是老KL人记忆里美味充满的美食天堂,各种淳朴正宗的道地先辈南洋美味看似简单却总是让人白吃不厌,无论是黄金阵容的海南茶、云吞面、薄饼、蛋挞霸气组合或简单朴实的「海南三宝烤面包、生熟蛋、海南茶,这里数十年如一日清晨时分准时升起的袅袅炊烟总是能让人咀嚼出最初记忆里熟悉温润的味道 ^^^

阿榮哥海南茶檔 @ ICC Pudu

虽然已搬迁改名数年但历经改迁所幸美味不变,巴刹里的老味道在新所在ICC Pudu富都综合商业大厦继续飘香,而更让人高兴的是在ICC Pudu里伫立近一甲子的经典美味阿榮哥海南茶檔随时代更迭而蜕变,推成出新的推出了盒装版阿榮哥海南茶,如今除了清晨时分在ICC Pudu叹上一杯海南茶之外品一杯传承50余年的老味道今后绝对更加方便啦 *掌声鼓励~ ^^^

阿榮哥海南茶檔since 1964,传承50余年的老味道 ;)

阿榮哥海南茶檔位置就在ICC Pudu美食中心入口的右手边还上 ;)

盒装版阿榮哥海南茶媒体发布会,YB 陈国伟是座上嘉宾


位于ICC Pudu富都综合商业大厦底楼的档口不大但非常有生活气息。而今除了在人声鼎沸的美食中心里叹茶大家也可以随意外带盒装版阿榮哥海南茶出游啦,送礼自用两相宜啊 ;)

阿榮哥海南茶典雅包装,怀旧原味传承,与世界共享 ^^

近一甲子以来为吉隆坡人提供暖心早餐的茶档至今仍保持着当年的经营方式,而尤其假日熙熙攘攘的人潮与慕名而来的旅客都是正宗海南茶醇厚朴实味道魅力的最佳写照 ^^^

经常可见的人潮训练了茶档员工的快手 ;)

快到失焦,这功力serve上的烤面包你想试试吗? ;)

一杯浓浓的海南茶再搭配上现烤出炉的烤面包,香甜的伽耶配上醇厚的南洋茶香,完美~ ^^^

能媲美豆浆油条的也就只有海南茶与烤面包啦 ;)

有厚度的牛油片,有一种美味叫做 不解释 你懂的 ^^^


懂生活 更快乐 ;) #叹茶 #海南茶 #南洋风

阿榮哥海南茶: 传承50余年的老味道,喜欢它就把它带回家 ;)

@ahwengkoh #ahwengkohHainantea #alifeofgoodtaste #KlSouvenir

60秒时间冲泡的海南茶,独家配方和比例造就了传承三代醇厚悠长的余韵,而今陈酒新瓶让品味醇朴好滋味更加简单方便啦,更多关于阿榮哥海南茶檔请点链接转接阿榮哥海南茶檔脸书专页啦--> :)

结束以前来个小惊喜,ICC Pudu阿荣哥海南茶除了盒装版之外接着还会有推出soft serve霜淇淋啊,冰凉的茶香霜淇淋居然还有一丝丝烤面包里黄油片的香气,我喜欢 ^^^

阿榮哥海南茶霜淇淋,敬请期待 ^^^

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Wednesday, 10 July 2019

United Legend is Here:Uncage your skills with Rio Ferdinand at Tiger Street Football 2019

Tiger Beer, Malaysia’s No. 1 beer, is taking football back to the streets with the return of Tiger Street Football. Tiger Street Football tournaments will soon be coming to a town near you – providing a platform for streetwise stars to uncage their skills and prove that they have what it takes to be the best. Following a series of Regional Qualifiers kicking off in July, the top-rated teams will compete against each other at the Grand Finals to find the ultimate champions. The winners will walk away with a cash prize of RM10,000, a trophy presented by legendary football star and Tiger Beer Brand Ambassador Rio Ferdinand, and of course, the ultimate bragging rights!
Sign up to showcase your football skills and stand to win RM10,000 presented by legendary football star and Tiger Beer Brand Ambassador Rio Ferdinand ^^^

Ferdinand is the natural choice to front the campaign – growing up in a small council flat, he kicked his first ball on the streets of South London, Peckham; the place where he honed his football skills and learned to get up again and again, no matter how many times he got knocked down.
If you and your friends are football players with great passion for the sport, this is your time to shine – teams of six are invited to register now at for a fee of RM100. Regional Qualifiers will begin in Kuala Lumpur on 13th July, followed by Penang on 14th July and Johor Bahru on 20th July. In addition to entry into the tournament, each team will receive exclusive Tiger Street Football kits and a Tiger football on the day of their Regional Qualifier.
The Grand Finals will see 8 of the best teams compete for the title - the first and second place from each Regional Qualifier and two ‘wildcard’ teams – those with the best goal difference across all qualifiers. 
Footie fans who want to watch the top teams going head to head at the finals should clear their schedule from 6pm onwards on Saturday 27th July and kick on down to TREC KL for the Tiger Street Football Festival. In addition to the exhilarating Grand Finals, there will be an array of fun football activities, live music, delicious food and of course - plenty of ice-cold Tiger Beer. They’ll also get a chance to see legendary football star and Tiger Beer Brand Ambassador Rio Ferdinand, who will crown the champions.
For fans who’d love to get their hands on one-of-a-kind Tiger Street Football memorabilia including footballs and jerseys signed by Rio Ferdinand, or the chance to meet the legend himself up-close and personal, make sure to check out participating bars near you to find out how. Various contests are running on Drinkies, Tiger Beer’s website and Facebookpage as well, so don’t miss out!

*Tiger Street Football is open to non-Muslims aged 21 and above only. For full details and competition rules, visit or .

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