Showing posts with label Selangor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Selangor. Show all posts

Saturday 3 June 2023

不用飞日本也可以品尝知名名古屋拉面~Menya Hanabi @ Plaza Arkadia



a) 霸气的花六小时直接飞到日本名古屋旅游兼解馋——哥/姐就想来一场说走就走的旅行

b) 实际的在地搜寻有没有就有那么一间传承自日本名古屋的拉面屋——碰碰运气毕竟打工人只能偶有小确幸

若您有钱又有闲那么恭喜你啦无论几个选项您的选择基本以上皆可,但若您是和个人一样是个市井小民看着日本旅游吃美食的美梦随着机票价节节上扬越飞越远的话,好消息来啦,文接选项 b),如果你目前所在位置是巴生河流域,那么恭喜老爷贺喜夫人啊这里还真的有那么一间传承自日本名古屋的拉面屋,准确来说还不是一间而是一个品牌搭载5家左右遍布巴生河流域的分店哦 ;)

Menya Hanabi 麺屋はなびArkadia @ Block E-G-3A, Plaza Arkadia

是的说的就是Menya hanabi 麺屋はなび啦~ 如果你是一个爱吃拉面的人,那么你一定不能错过Menya hanabi @Plaza Arkadia 这家源自日本的名古屋拉面店啦(其它店面还包括Kota Kemuning,Sri Petaling,Uptown Damansara等,但本po文往下以Menya hanabi 麺屋はなび@ Plaza Arkardia为准)。这里的拉面不同于一般的汤面,而是采用了类似干捞面的做法,将鲜美的肉汁和香辣的辣椒油淋在松软的面条上,再撒上满满的葱花、芝麻和大片海苔,让你一口下去就能感受到浓郁的肉汁兼麻辣味道和丰富多层次的口感 ^^

开放式厨房和很日式的吧台 ^^

Menya Hanabi的名古屋拉面有多种口味可供选择,比如原味叉烧、咖喱、猪颊肉、卜口肉等,不爱面食的朋友们这里也有各式特色丼饭和小菜等。无论你喜欢什么样的日式风味,这里都能满足你的味蕾。而且,这里的拉面分量十足,small size一碗就能让你吃得饱饱的,性价还算不错哦 ^^

新鲜蛋黄搭配溏心蛋,赞啦 ^^^

叉烧下也是满满的肉燥和葱哦 ^^



品尝原为以后加入辣椒粉和醋让层次翻倍 ;)

结束以前再向店员来一勺日本米饭,就着浓厚酱汁,完美的ending啊 ^^

除了拉面,Menya hanabi 麺屋はなび@ Plaza Arkardia 还提供了其他美味的日式小吃,比如炸鸡、日式煎饺、日式可丽饼、章鱼烧等,都是下酒或者开胃小菜的好选择。这里的环境虽然乍看偏普通但风格简约的装修却不失日式拉面屋的精髓,尤其开放式的厨房搭配吧台座椅感觉还挺有日本道地店家的feel啊,除此之外整体年龄偏年轻的店员们服务态度也很友好,让你感觉像在家一样用餐还挺自在的~

简单menu,个人推荐这里的Special menu——Nagoya Mazesoba名古屋式干拌拉面 ^^

底部酥脆得刚刚好表皮还不油,内馅多汁个头一口刚刚好,是很棒的日式煎饺啊 b^^d

外酥内软的章鱼烧 ^^

如果你想尝试一种不同于寻常的日式拉面体验,那么你一定要去Menya hanabi 麺屋はなび一尝他们家的名古屋干式拉面,相信我,不用飞日本也可以品尝知名名古屋拉面的感觉真的还挺不赖啊!^^

☝☝☝若本po文为您提供了有用的资讯离开前请随意点击页面上任一广告,您轻轻的一点是我们继续创作大大的动力^^^ 想掌握第一手生活&美食旅游资讯欢迎追踪我们的脸书专页 @ >Like Eat Well Travel On ft. Jz. World FB page here<!

Monday 24 October 2022

雪隆区超高CP值日式Buffet #BestJapaneseBuffets #KlangValley #雪隆区 #TOP超值日式自助餐2022

行至年末庆幸经济依然还没崩的当儿通膨笼罩的阴影却依然日复一日地提醒大家崩不崩其实不是正题,到底什么时候崩that is the question~ 虽然说理财规划都鼓励大家把眼光放长远并推崇延迟享乐审视自己的要求究竟是想要还是需要bla bla bla等等(.. .. ..以下省略万字经济与理财理论 XD),但眼睁睁的看着手里的资产在熊市里周而复始的一抬头便被打趴而手里的现金也被急升的通膨随着从蚕食到鲸吞而哀嚎,已经谈了好几回理财人生大道理什么的岁末年终之际还是来点实际兼讨喜的犒赏po文吧,为了庆贺自己又爬过了艰难的一年也好单纯想体验圣诞跨年的过节气息也罢作为一枚资深吃货年末的建议绝对没有什么比好好的花点钱吃餐好的更为实际的啦,相比出国旅游搭上二倍三倍机票价以及食宿通膨消费等等在不让自己的荷包过度失血的状况下为自己加加油打打气省时还不会太费劲,吃饱的同时还能为来年又一次的长征积蓄能量,还有什么能比这更完美吗 ;)


雪隆区超高CP值日式Buffet ^^^
#BestJapaneseBuffets #KlangValley #雪隆区 #TOP超值日式自助餐2022 

1. Hanare Japanese Restaurant @ Intermark Mall, 4.2⭐⭐⭐⭐

Hanare Japanese restaurant - Facebook

对于雪隆区资深日料爱好者而言位于吉隆坡市中心蛋黄区The Intermark Mall里的Hanare日式餐厅绝对是耳熟能详的老字号,除了平日提供的午、晚餐以及Omakase之外周末提供的点菜式自助午餐更是相当受欢迎,从东京丰洲市场(Toyosu Market)产地直送的新鲜海味除了和牛、鲔鱼中腹以及北海道生蚝限量供应以外其他生鱼片、炸物、握寿司、手卷等日式美味都让你吃好吃满!

Hanare Japanese Restaurant @ Ground Floor, The Intermark Mall

除了周末自助午餐所提供的鲔鱼中腹以及和牛之外各种单点的顶级日料如鲔鱼大腹、海胆、干贝等也应有尽有 ;) 

Address: The Intermark Mall, Ground Floor, 348 Jalan Tun Razak 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Phone: +60 3-2164 2133
Weekend Lunch Buffet from 12-2PM @ RM 218++/pax

2. Kampachi @ Plaza33, 4.1⭐⭐⭐⭐

Kampachi Restaurants | Kuala Lumpur | Facebook

拥有50余年日式餐饮历史的勘八KAMPACHI品牌旗下于Plaza 33 Petaling Jaya,Pavilion Kuala Lumpur以及EQ Kuala Lumpur共拥有三家各具特色的日料餐厅,本次所介绍的主要是以提升你的日式自助餐体验为主打的Kampachi @ Plaza33周日日式自助早午餐,除了握寿司、生鱼片、各式卷物以外各种日式烧物是这里每周日才供应的日式自助早午餐所不能错过的和风美味。过去十年荣获TimeOut KL, Malaysia Tatler, International Wine & Food Society, Tripadvisor Travelers' Choice等多项美食奖项是这里食物的最佳背书,想要更升级的日式飨宴也可搜寻Kampachi @ EQ的周末自助餐!

Kampachi @ P1-02, 1st Floor, Plaza Jaya 33

Address: P1-02, 1st Floor, Plaza @ Jaya 33, 1, Jalan Kemajuan, Seksyen 13, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Phone: +60 3 7931 6938/+60 12 266 0838
Sunday Brunch Buffet from 12-3PM @ RM 178++/pax

3. Mitasu Japanese Restaurant @ Old Klang Road, 4.2⭐⭐⭐⭐

从原本只此一家别无分号位于KL Central Plaza的Mitasu Japanese Restaurant一直以来都是学生及小资族心中经济实惠日料自助餐的首选,近年来第二家的独栋式展店更是让Mitasu Japanese Restaurant @ Old Klang Road颇有青出于蓝胜于蓝的气势,单从价位而言不需三位数即可尽情享受自己所喜爱的各式日料确实是生鱼片入门的最佳选择!

生鱼片入门的最佳选择 ;)

Address: Lot 306, Jln Klang Lama, Batu 3, 58000 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur.
Phone: 03-7971 8878
Daily Lunch/Dinner Buffet @ RM 76++/pax

4. Rocku Yakiniku Japanese Restaurant @ 1 Utama, 4.0⭐⭐⭐⭐

ROCKU Yakiniku Malaysia | Facebook

相对年轻的ROCKU日式烧肉店走的是融合日式与现代的连锁居酒屋风,目前于1 Utama, Sunway Pyramid, The Gardens Mall都有分店,除了提供各种肉类烧烤也有一些基本的墨鱼、虾子、淡菜等的海鲜烧烤选项,店内还有live band演出感觉是课后下班三五好友聚餐的不错选项。

Rocku Yakiniku Japanese Restaurant @ 1 Utama

日式烧烤大师上线 ;)

Address: 1 Utama Shopping Centre, LOT F355/356/357, First Floor, Rainforest, 1, Lebuh Bandar Utama, Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Phone: 03-7710 9884
Daily Lunch/ Weekend Lunch or Dinner Buffet @ RM 59++/pax

5. Eyuzu Japanese Cuisine @ Eastin KL, 4.1⭐⭐⭐⭐

Eyuzu Japanese Cuisine | Facebook

放眼雪隆区的星级酒店提供自助餐的比比皆是,拥有日式自助餐的也不罕见,但大多综合评分皆是无功无过不至于踩雷但也很难惊艳,能挺过疫情而再看CP值依然值得一试的更是屈指可数,作为雪隆区星级酒店老字号的Eastin KL一直以来酒店餐厅的水准可谓可圈可点,虽然疫情冲击下星级酒店餐厅水平普遍下滑但在众多主题与时段各异提供日式自助餐的雪隆区酒店中Eyuzu Japanese Cuisine @ Eastin KL餐厅近期的Tabehoudai Night Japanese Buffet秀色可餐诚意依然于是位列于此啦,此外Shangri-La KL、Hilto等亦有各具特色的日式自助餐就留待大家自行发掘啦 ;)

Eyuzu Japanese Cuisine @ Eastin KL

Address: Eastin Hotel KL, Pusat Dagang, 13, Jalan 16/11, Seksyen 16, 46350 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Phone: +603-7628 7368
Saturday night Japanese Buffet from 6.30pm – 9.30pm @ RM 148+/pax

*Photos credit to restaurants official sites

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Thursday 28 April 2022

[Origin Mattress Review] Origin Superior天然凉感乳胶枕,一夜好眠你值得拥有~

人一生中占据生活大宗时间的除了工作以外便要数睡眠了,好的睡眠对于生活质量及身体健康的重要性绝对是不言而喻的。对于个人而言无论是求学时期工作以后出差出游吃得饱睡得好天天没烦恼在人生旅途上一路走来一直以来都位居主要诉求需求一定要主动追求,in other words this is a need, a must have, 就像I need my 8 hours一样是生活钢须的need & must have ;)

人生不外乎醒着活动睡着休息,影响生活质量的因素大到产业枯荣经济周期小至工作伙伴工时报酬等是相当复杂滴今天先不细谈,而影响睡眠质量的因素则相对个人,基本就是睡眠环境以及寝具,而其中舒适的床褥以及枕头绝对是值得你花心思时间去精挑细选的,毕竟好的睡眠带你上天堂睡醒以后元气满满神清气爽,而坏的睡眠醒了以后除了疲惫依然感觉不怎么有充电到之外一整天可能就更厌世了啊 XD Ok opening先说到这那么今天要为大家带来的就是个人近期为提升睡眠品质而入手的寝具重点二之一——Origin Superior Coolmax Latex Pillow天然凉感乳胶枕开箱与实测接着送上.. 它对优质睡眠有所帮助吗、它和一般市面上的枕头有什么不同吗、真的好睡吗、让我们继续看下去~

Origin Superior Coolmax Latex Pillow天然凉感乳胶枕 ^^

Origin Superior Coolmax Latex Pillow天然凉感乳胶枕Origin Mattress提供,是一家源自于德国致力于提升睡眠质量的新创公司,目前足迹西至北美东至马星澳洲等,旗舰产品除了个人使用以后相当惊艳的Origin Superior天然凉感乳胶枕之外还包括了Origin Hybrid Mattress床褥以及床垫等可供大家一步到位或分批收集为你开启一夜好眠 ^^^

挺有质感的包装啊 ^^

虽然不是第一次使用乳胶枕但刚收到Origin Superior天然凉感乳胶枕开箱的当下还是相当开心的,轻盈的手感和几何线条的枕套让人眼前一亮一看便有种啊选对了的感觉,德国设计工艺果然还是品质的保证 ^^^


相比于先前使用的记忆枕以及其它品牌乳胶枕Origin乳胶枕除了保有天然乳胶特有的弹性之外还带有一种扎实感这对睡眠时头部与肩颈的支撑绝对稳妥啊 ;)

65cm x 40cm x 13cm的尺寸无论单人床双人床都适用

德籍设计的枕头采用的是100%天然原物料,搭配Coolmax冷却凝胶技术以及可拆卸清洗Tencel天丝枕套透气凉爽之余也可防螨抗菌 b^^^d

Origin Superior天然凉感乳胶枕搭配了可拆卸清洗Tencel天丝枕套

透气的设计清晰可见而且效果颇佳 ^^^

灵敏乳胶海绵给予头部与颈椎有效支撑分解压力 b^^^d

舒适柔软的触觉和乳胶高弹性顺应身体睡姿轮廓,一夜好眠你值得拥有~ ^^^

Origin Mattress网站入手以后从下单到送抵只用了约三天的时间,接着便是连续一星期的睡眠使用实测。话说自疫情以来个人健康意识抬头于是开始监测个人日常运动与睡眠,智能手表的睡眠监测功能过去数据在这里提供了宝贵的对照啊 ^^^ 那么.. 结果如何呢?~

Origin Superior Coolmax Latex Pillow by Origin Mattress

使用过智能手表的同学大概都知道透过app连接除了可以观测睡眠总分之外还可以有睡眠周期以及睡眠呼吸等数据,那么也不赘词简单来说七天睡眠实测结果,个人是相当满意甚至略有惊讶啊,过去六个月的睡眠总分都在65-75的区间来回,而使用了Origin Superior天然凉感乳胶枕后的连续七天平均数值往上提升到了接近80分左右的良好区间(平均都在75分以上,最高83^^^),同时入睡所需时间也缩短了(话说不是长期睡眠品质徘徊于中上的人都不知道提升睡眠总分一两分尤其是到良好区间是有多么难而能倒头就睡是多么幸福的一件事啊啊啊~)^^ 言归正传当然必须说明睡眠质量是受多重因素左右的也因人而异,但重点是从本文开始个人在吃得饱睡得好天天没烦恼的人生诉求上又更进一步了感觉超赞的啦 b^^^d

若你对睡眠品质也有所追求欢迎点击文内链接开启属于你的一夜好眠,无论如何个人已经在考虑Origin Mattress网站上看起来也超舒适的Origin Hybrid Mattress了啦 ;) 

☝☝☝若本po文为您提供了有用的资讯离开前请随意点击页面上任一广告,您轻轻的一点是我们继续创作大大的动力^^^ 想掌握第一手生活&美食旅游资讯欢迎追踪我们的脸书专页 @ >Like Eat Well Travel On ft. Jz. World FB page here< !

Monday 7 June 2021

1664 Blanc Presents ‘Bon Appetit-lah’ Gastronomy Campaign Inspired by French-Malaysian Cuisine~


~~~Elevate gastronomic experiences at home with French-Malaysian 1664 Blanc recipes and stand to WIN premium cookware set, luxurious holiday packages post MCO and more!~~~

French’s No. 1 premium wheat beer 1664 Blanc inspires beer lovers to share good taste in its Bon Appetit-lah campaign where France meets Malaysia in a twist of gastronomy. Starting June onwards, 1664 Blanc will unveil five unique French-Malaysian fusion recipes curated by French Chef Nathalie of Nathalie Gourmet Studio, and Malaysian Chef Isadora Chai of Bistro à Table for consumers to cook and try at home during the full movement control order (FMCO). To elevate beer lovers’ gastronomic experiences, the Bon Appetit-lah consumer promotion for 1664 Blanc purchases offers chances to win exclusive 1664 Blanc merchandise, Le Creuset cookware, luxury island vacations post-MCO and more!

1664 Blanc bridges French and Malaysian cuisines with a twist in Bon Appetit-lah campaign~ Amazing indulgent dining at home & attractive prizes to be won awaits!

1664 Blanc believes in inspiring consumers to share good taste moments with their loved ones over a fine meal paired with our refreshing brew. Food connects people, and we decided to bring the best of both countries by introducing five French-Malaysian fusion dishes jointly created by the two award winning chefs for the 1664 Blanc Bon Appetit-lah campaign.”, said Caroline Moreau, Marketing Director of Carlsberg Malaysia. 

the French’s no.1 premium wheat beer will be releasing five recipes curated by French Chef Nathalie and Malaysian Chef Isadora Chai in a step by step video demo for consumers to try at home and elevate their gastronomic experience ;)

wonderul 1664 Blanc inspired gastronomic experience coming your way ;)

“Whilst consumers are staying safe at home amid the pandemic, we want to encourage them to try out 1664 Blanc-inspired dishes first-hand! We crafted our 1664 Blanc Bon Appetit-lah campaign by sharing five French-Malaysian fusion dishes in a step-by-step video demo to uplift their cooking experiences at home. Understanding how Malaysians must be feeling during the full MCO, the campaign intends to reward beer lovers for their 1664 Blanc purchases with premium cookware and luxurious island packages post-MCO in line with our brand’s promise of good taste with a twist.”, Moreau explained.

awesome prizes awaits!

With the purchase of RM150 and above of 1664 Blanc products in a single receipt at participating supermarkets, hypermarkets and e-commerce (Shopee and Lazada), consumers can redeem a FREE premium WMF cutlery set and are entitled to a chance of winning the Grand Prize of an exclusive vacation at Pangkor Laut Resort or one of the five First Prizes of Le Creuset Round French Oven worth RM1,950 each. Simply submit your receipts online for your chance to win!

At participating modern convenience stores, make a minimum purchase of RM25 on 1664 Blanc in a single receipt and submit your receipts online to win the Grand Prize of a luxury staycation at Pangkor Laut Resort, or one of the 50 First Prizes of a 4-pax premium WMF cutlery set. Whet your appetite with a refreshing twist of 1664 Blanc today at the comfort of your home and grab these chances of an indulgent dining experience; or a luxury staycation when MCO is lifted! 

join now from June 2021 onwards ;)

Be sure to like and follow @1664BlancMY on Facebook on Instagram for the weekly series of Bon Appetit-lah recipes. Try the Bon Appetit-lah recipes at home and submit photos of your plated dish with the hashtag #1664Blanc #BonAppetitLah #GoodTasteWithATwist to win prizes! For more info, visit

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Tuesday 10 December 2019

Guinness Flavour by Fire Festival @ The Gasket Alley, Petaling Jaya

Guinness Flavour by Fire festival celebrates all things roasted, grilled and BBQ’d; thousands of foodies turn up to feast on specially-curated dishes paired with cold, smooth Guinness Draught.

Fire is a force with an awesome transformative power. When it comes to food, fire is what turns simple raw ingredients into mouth-watering meals. Guinness, Malaysia’s No. 1 Stout, understands this better than anyone – the barley used to brew Guinness is roasted at exactly 232° Celsius, which gives the beer its distinctive dark colour and delicious roasted flavour notes. 

Guinness Flavour by Fire Festival @ The Gasket Alley, Petaling Jaya

Guinness Flavour by Fire chefs Kok Fung, Sherson Lian, Sapna Anand, Suren Krishnan, Johnny Fua (L-R) 

enjoying the atmosphere outside at Guinness Flavour by Fire

Celebrating this transformative power of fire, the Guinness Flavour by Fire festival brought together some of KL’s hottest chefs and musicians for a two-day feast for the senses at The Gasket Alley in Petaling Jaya. Serving up a range of delectable dishes for the thousands of hungry party-goers in attendance were five chefs, each with their own signature styles and techniques.
Celebrity chef Sapna Anand, from GOA by Sapna, took inspiration from traditional Indian barbeque recipes for her menu, including her signature Kashmiri lamb chops. Marinated in roasted spices and citrus and cooked over a charcoal grill, the beautifully tender lamb with its delicate balance of flavours and flame-seared exterior paired perfectly with the cold, smooth Guinness Draught.

A selection of dishes from Chef Sapna Anand of GOA by Sapna, paired with Guinness

A selection of dishes from Chef Suren Krishnan of Tipsy Boar, paired with Guinness

Chefs Sherson Lian and Johnny Fua from Kitchen Mafia put on an eclectic mix of dishes, melding Western and Asian influences to create surprising takes on a range of favourites from seafood to duck. Cooked over an ‘outback-style open fire’, the duo used locally-sourced wood including bamboo and rubber wood to give each offering a unique flavour unlike anything cooked in a traditional kitchen.
Suren’s style, a mash-up of Southern USA, European, and Asian barbeque techniques, focused – as the name of his restaurant suggests –Tipsy Boar, focus on various cuts of pork. Artisanal chorizo and German sausages, Kansas-style spare ribs, and pork knuckle slathered in a Guinness glaze were cooked in a ‘low-and-slow’ style over wood from locally-grown mangrove and fruit-trees. The end result: melt-in-the-mouth, rich and satisfying dishes which had attendees clamouring for more.
Meanwhile, Pitmaster Kok Fung, from Texas Barbeque joint Burnin’ Pit, harnessed the power of fire in a similar way. His signature dish, dry-rubbed beef brisket, was smoked for over 12 hours to impart an incredible depth of flavour to the mouth-wateringly tender meat. The wood used in the smoker – tropical fruit trees such as mango, jackfruit and durian – added a Malaysian twist to his authentic, rustic style. Served up with pickled mangos, gherkins and jalapenos and a smoky Gula Melaka and berry barbeque sauce, the cold, smooth Guinness contrasted with the sharp and sweet flavours of the sides and the richness of the meat to create a well-rounded flavour experience.

Lamb cooked over an outback-style open flame by Kitchen Mafia

Paneer roasting on the grill from Chef Sapna Anand of GOA by Sapna

Pitmaster Kok Fung_s smoked beef brisket

a chance to pour your own Guinness at Flavour by Fire, hands on learning of the Guinness Two Part Pour


This being a Guinness event, there were plenty of other activities to keep attendees entertained after they had feasted on all the food on offer. Performances from fan favourites Kyoto Protocol, K-Town Clan, Crinkle Cut, Church Mouse and Skits got people moving on Day 1 of Guinness Flavour by Fire, while Day 2 saw Jumero, Kaya, Dani Komari, Samantha Diana and Muzza and Arjuna take the stage to heat things up.

Dani Komari _ The Nightshades performing at Guinness Flavour by Fire

Kyoto Protocol performing at Guinness Flavour by Fire

Long Bar Challenge prizes ;)

Perhaps the most popular activity was the Guinness STOUTie machine – a device which uses a malt extract to print a selfie directly onto the head of a glass of Guinness. Previously only available at the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin, Ireland, hundreds of people lined up to get this exclusive opportunity at Flavour by Fire!

The Guinness STOUTie Machine

me, my Guinness & I ^^^ For the first time outside Ireland, 
guests at Flavour by Fire could get their very own Guinness STOUTie (Stout+Selfie)

guests dig in to some delicious flame-cooked food at Flavour by Fire

Finally, the return of the Guinness Long Bar Challenge – previously seen at Guinness St. Patrick’s Day events – gave party-goers the chance to get their hands on exclusive Guinness merchandise by sliding a bottle of Guinness down a bar in a test of skill and precision. T-shirts, bottles of Guinness-infused steak and barbeque sauces, and handmade Guinness chopping boards – perfect for serving up your own home-made fire-kissed dishes – went home with the winners across both days of Flavour by Fire.

A Long Bar Challenge contestant prepares to slide the bottle along the bar

Winners of the Long Bar Challenge stood a chance to win exclusive Guinness merchandise including custom-made Guinness chopping boards

For more information on Guinness and to keep an eye out for future events, check out

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