Showing posts with label Desa Sri Hartamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Desa Sri Hartamas. Show all posts

Saturday 1 July 2017

3890Tigers campaign launches in Malaysia——JOIN TIGER BEER IN TAKING A STAND FOR TIGERS

Tiger Beer fans might notice something different about the design on bottles and cans of Tiger Beer this month – the iconic tiger in the logo has gone missing. It comes as the 3890Tigers campaign launches in Malaysia, asking consumers to uncage their creativity and join Tiger Beer in taking a stand against the illegal tiger trade  -( ̄^ ̄)ゞ 

The campaign references the fact that, globally, there are estimated to be 3890 tigers left in the wild today – following 96% of the population being wiped out in the past 100 years. The Malayan Tiger is in an even more critical condition, with only as few as 250 left in the wild. One of the most serious threats to the survival of the species is poaching for use in ‘traditional medicines’. Despite the trade in tiger parts being illegal – and their use having no proven health or medicinal benefits – the practice continues to this day across the world.

3890Tigers campaign launches in Malaysia——JOIN TIGER BEER IN TAKING A STAND FOR TIGERS -( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
3890Tigers campaign launch Bricks & Barrels, Desa Sri Hartamas
spot the difference ;) ——“Can you imagine a world without tigers?”

By removing the proud animal from its logo, Tiger Beer poses the question – “Can you imagine a world without tigers?”, and forms part of a larger campaign aimed at raising global awareness of the issue. It follows a recent announcement from Tiger Beer that it would donate USD 1 million to tiger conservation efforts in a bid to help protect tigers in the wild. 

Tiger Beer is now asking Malaysian consumers to join them in taking a stand, and helping to raise awareness of the consequences of the illegal tiger trade. Working in partnership with six artists from around the globe – Malaysia’s Kenji Chai, China’s Hua Tunan, France’s Mademoiselle Maurice, Russia’s Nootk, UK’s Nick Gentry and USA’s Tran Nguyen Tiger Beer has released an online tool which allows people to instantly create one-of-a-kind selfie art generated by AI.  

By uploading a selfie on, users can choose from a range of signature styles including enigmatic street-art-meets-calligraphy, delicate paint and ink illustrations and fluttering rainbow origami to personalise their picture before posting it on social media to show their support ;)

3890Tigers campaign launches in Malaysia——JOIN TIGER BEER IN TAKING A STAND FOR TIGERS ;)

In addition to using the AI tool on the website, those in Klang Valley will get the chance to pledge their support in person over the next month at pop-up ‘pledge booths’ in selected bars and supermarkets. Apart from that, customers who purchase Tiger Beer during these events can redeem an exclusive personalised Tiger t-shirt designed by Malaysian artist Kenji Chai ;)

Jessie Chuah, Marketing Manager of Tiger Beer and visual artist Kenji Chai @ 3890Tigers campaign launch

Adding to this is a nationwide consumer promotion that run across pubs/bars, hypermarkets/supermarkets & coffeshops/foodcourts that enable consumers to get their hands on exclusive Tiger Beer merchandise designed by Kenji Chai and renowned Malaysian artist Nestwo, including limited-edition vacuum flasks, canvas tote bags, pillows, and multipurpose openers. Furthermore, they’ll stand a chance at winning a trip to India to see tigers thriving in the wild.

The campaign will conclude with a showcase event at Publika Mall, Kuala Lumpur, on Global Tiger Day – 29th July. Art from the 6 international artists will be on display alongside 250 individual tiger art pieces designed by local artists, symbolising the estimated number of Malayan Tigers left in the wild.

only about #3890tigers are left in the wild worldwide, let's pledge to change their fate today
-( ̄^ ̄)ゞ ☛

To create your unique selfie and show your support for the cause, visit For details of where you can catch the pop-up pledge booth, and for more information on the campaign, log on to

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Saturday 18 March 2017

寻找记忆里朴实亲民的古早味——百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine @ Desa Sri Hartamas

位于Desa Sri Hartamas百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine是这一区的新晋店家之一," 百家百味,味濃情濃 ",简单的八个字一句话贴切简洁的道出了百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine店家简单平实的经营模式 ;)

百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine @ Desa Sri Hartamas——记忆里朴实亲民的古早味 ;)
百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine @ Desa Sri Hartamas

菜单都是朴实亲民的中式古早味与国民美食 ;)

散发丝丝南洋风情的店面聚集了各式各样颇具本土情怀与风味的经典款美味,除了香滑的海南鸡饭、国民美食Nasi Lemak猪肠粉等不得不提的当然便是店家主打的潮州傳統面食——面卜 b^^d 

面卜(又称麵薄)是时下市面上较为少见50-60年代潮州人记忆里的古早美味,扁细弹口的薄面条搭配上肉碎和酱料干拌,大口吸入朴实无华的面食却让人有种暖暖的满足感,细品之下才赫然发觉面条间销魂脆口的猪油渣以及猪油香气是这箇中关键 ;)

招牌面卜 Signature Mee Pok,扁细弹口的薄面条搭配上肉碎和酱料干拌是50-60年代潮州人记忆里的古早美味 b^^d
搭配面卜的清汤也很清甜 ;)
美味有时可以很简单 ^^

店家主打的古早味招牌面卜采用的可是手工制作的潮州傳統面卜,弹口的面卜完全不含防腐劑及添加素新鲜度满分,搭配色泽金黄诱人的香喷喷脆口猪油渣及肉末大口吸入便是儿时回忆里温暖简单的幸福滋味 ^^ 店家也说了这里的面食可全都是以面粉类的手工面为主所以口感Q弹而且重点是完全没有恼人的碱水味啦 b^^d

芹菜面 Celery Noodles ^^

芹菜的味道原本就较为两极化,喜欢的人很爱不喜欢的人则总是始终如一的敬而远之,但原本以为百味濃芹菜面看起来绿油油的绝对是百分百的蔬菜挂而且芹菜味会超重,结果一试之下作为一枚对芹菜保持中立角度的吃货个人觉得芹菜面的口味还是相当适中滴不重不淡恰到好处 *哎哟 不错哦* 负责任的说一句只要您不是芹菜重度抗拒者个人推荐这一碗非常值得一试啦 ;)

味道恰到好处的芹菜面 Celery Noodles ^^
搭配半熟蛋黄的金家乡面 Golden Homemade Noodles也很香滑诱人 ;)

话说这里的面食份两还满实在的一大碗的咖喱面RM 7.5价格还挺亲民,其它面食价位也都介于RM 7.5-8.5之间,老板表示食材新鲜价格公道的坚持只因为在记忆里的古早味都并非那么昂贵 ;)

咖喱面 Curry Mee

海南鸡饭 Hainan Chicken Rice,油亮滑嫩的鸡肉光看就很有食欲有木有 ;)
国民美食Nasi Lemak ;)

除了本土及古早味主食之外中式甜品譬如老姜汤圆、白果腐竹薏米、红豆西米糖水及小吃如福州丸、猪肠粉、芋头糕等在百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine也都找得到哦,无论是早\午餐或小聚偶尔走个古早味风回忆过去感觉也挺不赖的哦 ;)

锅贴 Fried Dumpling
咖喱猪肠粉 Curry Chu Cheong Fun
不想太普通的话也可以试试带锅气的炒猪肠粉 Fried Chu Cheong Fun b^^d

百味三宝 Bai Wei Trio Platter
招牌海南茶 Signature Hainan Tea ;)

除了各种价格亲民朴实无华的古早美味百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine @ Desa Sri Hartamas也有推出经济实惠的早餐套餐哦,想要搜寻更多记忆里的古早美味与面食请戳他们家官方脸书 @  ;)

百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine 
38G, Jalan 28/70A, 
Desa Sri Hartamas, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: 03-2389 3701

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Thursday 3 December 2015

Steaks & Lobsters @ Desa Sri Hartamas, KL:当美洲龙虾遇见澳洲牛排

位于Desa Sri HartamasSteaks & Lobsters,餐厅名称直截了当的说明了其菜单主打与走向——新鲜活跳跳的美洲螯龙虾以及美味的澳洲和牛 ;)

Steaks & Lobsters @ Desa Sri Hartamas, KL. 醒目的绿色大招牌想当好认
Steaks & Lobsters @ Desa Sri Hartamas, KL

大约四个月前才开始营业的Steaks & Lobsters两层楼的餐厅采用的是美式的简洁明快风格,温暖的灯光搭配墙上美国七、八零年代巨星猫王和披头四等的海报,音响播放的是时下流行歌曲,是个人喜欢的style :)


一纸两页的菜单延续餐厅装潢的简洁明快,但所提供的两样主菜龙虾与牛排却分量十足毫不简单,除此之外还有各式开胃前菜、意大利面、羊排等,饮料也都是颇具特色的特调哦 ;)

餐厅水族箱中活跳跳的美洲螯龙虾表示:“牛排比较好吃啦”,因为它还想活着过圣诞 :P

虽然主打的是澳洲入口的和牛以及美洲螯龙虾,其他的主菜选择譬如搭配店家自制酱料的小龙虾意大利面松露蘑菇意大利面以及纽西兰空运碳烤小羔羊排味道也都是恰到好处相当值得推荐,但重头戏当然仍旧是个头硕大的新鲜龙虾以及味道浓郁排身厚度十足的牛排啦 ;)

弥漫着奶油香的蒜香柠檬淡菜 l Garlic Herbed Lemon Mussels (RM 24)
甜BBQ酱汁烤鸡翅 l Sweet BBQ Chicken Wings (RM 25)
招牌烤小龙虾 l Signature Grilled Baby Lobster (RM 28)
西式烤马铃薯填辣牛绞肉 l Chili Minced Steak Loaded Potato Skins (RM 29)
酥炸龍葵菇 l S & L Famous Portabello Fries (RM 19)
特调饮料:MangoAvocado Milkshake, Duck Bacon Milkshake, Shirley Temple Soda(左到右)
小龙虾意大利面 l Lobster Pesto Pasta (RM 42)
松露蘑菇意大利面 l Trufflet Mushroom Pasta (RM 32) 

店家表示这里的龙虾全都论只出售,标准体重皆控制在800-900克左右,牛排更是霸气的把每份标准重量设定在300克,烹调方式除了基本烧烤亦有泰國青檸+香茅烤龙虾培根洋葱起司眼牛排松露奶酪眼牛排等各种特色口味,cp值超高之余也可享受美食的更多变化 b^^d

各种风味的美洲螯龙虾,霸气侧漏啊有木有 XD
每只标准重量都控制在800-900克左右的美洲螯龙虾 ;)
美洲螯龙虾的标志巨螯!本人已醉 XD
饱满的螯肉 ^^
把传统吉兰丹烤鸡醬汁改良后与龙虾结合,诞生的便是散发出浓浓吗来风味的特色本土烤龙虾啦 b^^d

无论牛排、羊排、龙虾各式主菜还会搭配上沙拉,淋上自制鳄梨酱的马铃薯以及大份量的薯条,老板表示是为了保证客人的饱腹与满足感,300克的牛排、800-900克的龙虾搭上薯条沙拉与马铃薯,意犹未尽或吃不饱在这里绝对只是个传说啊.. 这样的心态挺好 b^^d

看这份量,意犹未尽或吃不饱在这里绝对只是个传说 XD
澳洲和牛沙朗牛排Wagyu Round Sirloin (RM 88)
三到五分熟的熟度,深棕色带点焦脆的外皮以及粉嫩多汁的内里,美味的牛排就该当如此 b^^d
松露奶酪肋眼牛排 l Truffle Fromage Ribeye (RM 75)
培根洋葱起司肋眼牛排 l The B.O.C. Ribeye (RM 68)
份量诚意十足的美味纽西兰空运烤小羔羊排 l Char-Grilled Lamb Lions,嫩度也刚刚好 b^^d (RM 42)
 采用美味鲈鱼制成的炸鱼薯条Barramundi Fish & Chips (RM 37)
烧瓤蘑菇鸡卷 l Roasted Duo Mushroom Stuffed Chicken Rolls (RM 21)
西班牙吉拿棒 l S & L Spanish Churros (RM 18)

目前Steaks & Lobsters周日烧烤套餐促销正在进行中哦,只要点主菜就会送开胃菜及当日列汤 ;)

Steaks & Lobsters周日烧烤套餐促销

Steaks & Lobsters
42, Jalan 24/70A, Desa Sri Hartamas 
50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: 012-743 7167
Opening Hours: 
Tuesdays - Sundays 5.30 pm - 12 am (Closed Mondays)

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