Showing posts with label SOMERSBY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SOMERSBY. Show all posts

Thursday 21 October 2021

十月是苹果的季节啊~Somersby 欢庆苹果节,共享对苹果酒的热爱!

每年 10 月,英国有成千上万人聚集在一起欢庆苹果节(Apple Day),致敬这受全球喜爱的美味水果,当然红彤彤的苹果也是每一瓶、每一罐大马第一畅销苹果酒 Somersby 都少不了的成分。

Somersby 欢庆苹果节,共享对苹果酒的热爱!

为了让苹果爱好者有更多原因与他们最爱的苹果酒同欢,Somersby 也将其另一种受大众喜爱的口味,即 Somersby Watermelon 纳入在 10 月份随欢庆苹果节所展开的促销和消费者竞赛。当苹果碰上西瓜会蹦出什么新滋味呢?从 10 月 11 日至 11 月 10 日开跑的 Somersby 苹果节喜庆透过社交媒体竞赛为 59 位幸运儿准备了 3 份最新 Apple iPhone 13 的大奖、3 份价值 3000 令吉的限量版Somersby Volkswagen Kombi 保温箱、3 份 Apple Watch Series 6,以及价值 150 令吉的 Somersby 产品作为安慰奖,粉丝在一尝爱这两种 Somersby 美妙滋味的同时还可以赢大奖啦!

参赛方式也非常简单,消费者只需购买至少一罐或一瓶 Somersby 的任何产品,拍张照分享他们如何与 Somersby 欢庆苹果节,然后公开上传到脸书或 Instagram,并标记@SomersbyMY 和#SomersbyAppleDay。


苹果节的喜悦也将传递到超级市场、霸级市场、迷你市场及便利店,消费者能以特价购买任何口味的 4 罐装 Somersby,此项促销将从 10 月 18 日至 10 月 31 日在全国展开。


随着越来越多饮者完成疫苗接种,期盼在这个月前往有参与的酒吧、餐厅及小酒馆享用Somersby 的他们可于限期内购买 2 瓶 Somersby 以换取一瓶免费 Somersby Watermelon,选择在家享用 Somersby 的消费者也有福享,在 10 月份透过马来西亚 Carlsberg 集团在Shopee 及 Lazada 的官方网店购买任何产品,即可获取一罐免费 320 毫升的 Somersby Watermelon,送完即止。

更多关于 Somersby 苹果节竞赛与促销的详情,浏览 Somersby 脸书及 Instagram 专页@SomersbyMY。

所有促销与竞赛仅开放给 21 岁以上的非穆斯林人士。与 Somersby 欢庆苹果节时,记得#CelebrateResponsibly, 理性饮酒,酒后别开车!

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Saturday 28 November 2020

用 Somersby 调制美味鸡尾酒,#留守家里也有一番风味!

把独家 Somersby 鸡尾酒套件带回家,在家发挥你的创意调出好滋味!


虽然疫情限制了旅游但在家工作的心依然是炽热的跳动着~ Work From Home,Life Goes On!既然平日周末都呆在家那么就在家利用独家 Somersby 鸡尾酒套件调制清爽鸡尾酒吧,让你和挚爱翻转#留守家里#StayHome)的时刻,也唤醒沉睡的味蕾! 

Somersby独家鸡尾酒套件让你发挥家庭调酒师的本色,炮制可口的饮料 ^^^ 

清爽的Somersby ciders搭配各种风味水果,特别的鸡尾酒只给特别的你啦 ^^^

从即日起至年末大家只需购买价值 RM150 的 Somersby 产品,即可免费获得一套 Somersby 独家鸡尾酒套件,它配备了一个雪克壶附加盖子和上盖、冰勺夹、调酒杯 (double jigger)、搅拌器及一本 Somersby鸡尾酒配方,可用得上的清爽佳酿如1664 Blanc、Carlsberg、Brooklyn 等等! 只需将你的购买证据呈交至 www.somersbymalaysia.com即可兑换独家鸡尾酒套件,每周也有机会赢取一(1) 台 Nintendo Switch 游戏机哦。 

只需购买价值 RM150 的 Somersby 产品,即可免费获得一套 Somersby独家鸡尾酒套件

幸运的朋友每周也有机会赢取一(1) 台 Nintendo Switch 游戏机哦 ;)

想在家自己来杯Somersby独家特调的朋友们可千万别错过拥有这独家鸡尾酒套件的机会啦,促销期由 11 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日,存货有限! Somersby 也特别贴心与广大苹果酒或啤酒爱好者分享了两个鸡尾酒配方👇👇👇,让你可以在家里大显身手! 在家里调制了Somersby鸡尾酒也欢迎你贴上脸书或 Instagram,然后打上标签 @SomersbyMY啦 ;) 

Somersby 鸡尾酒配方


  • 倒入 50 毫升蜜糖,加入热水,摇至蜜糖溶解 
  • 将冰块放入鸡尾酒雪克壶 
  • 加入 60 毫升杜松子酒(gin)、15 毫升酸柑汁和溶解的蜜糖 
  • 摇匀,再加上 80-100 毫升 Somersby 苹果酒 
  • 选择性饰品: 苹果条及百里香枝 


  • 把冰块放入杯中 
  • 加入均量的 Somersby 苹果酒和 Carlsberg 

Somersby独家鸡尾酒套件,今晚我想来点.. ^^^

my Somersby Elder Flower Lime mojito ^^^
#SomersbyMY #RefreshinglyOptimistic #SomersbyCocktailKit #CelebrateResponsibly

欲了解更多有关Somersby促销和活动,请点击链接请跟随SomersbyMY官方脸书账号 @ 及 Instagram @。你也可登录 官网深入了解关于 Somersby 及其果酒系列 ^^ 


想掌握第一手美食旅游资讯欢迎追踪我们的脸书专页 @ >Like Eat Well Travel On ft. Jz. World FB page here< !◕ ‿ ◕

Saturday 30 March 2019


Somersby unveiled its latest product innovation, the Sparkling White cider, to complement its other elegant pink Sparkling Rosé! This golden hued semisweet cider is full of tingling live bubbles and exhibits a fruity white wine aroma. Malaysian cider lovers are the privileged ones to first savour this new sparkling cider in Asia, outside Europe.

Suitable for different occasions as an aperitif, Somersby’s Sparkling White offers the same flavours and structures of white wine and keeps the familiar refreshment you can expect from Somersby.


Wine and cider lovers can now enjoy Somersby Sparkling White, a bubbly cider that has a sophisticated personality which is less sweet, without a hint of acidity. Because it is easy on the palate, this bubbly aperitif is the perfect alternative to wine or champagne, and pairs well with seafood, white meat, ham and cheese.

Dressed in style, Managing Director Lars Lehmann said: “Somersby, the No.1 cider in Malaysia, is again leading the category with its latest innovation– Sparkling White to drive excitement and consumption. It is a refreshing semi-sweet cider full of tingling live bubbles with a fruity white wine aroma. This product innovation has the best of both worlds – the refreshment of a cider combined with the taste of white wine”.  

FIRST in Asia——SOMERSBY SPARKLING WHITE CIDER launch at The Majapahit @ Marc Residence, KLCC ^^^

To introduce its latest innovation, Somersby ‘wined’ and dined guests to a night of gold and glitter blush at The Majapahit @ Marc Residence, KLCC. Ambiance decorated in glittery gold and LED lights created a stunning effect of elegance to capture the perfect mood.

Guests were served chilled Somersby Sparkling White in an elegant stemmed glass throughout the night paired with a smorgasbord of delicacies made up of oyster, shrimp, cold cuts, cheese and a selection of crusty bread. And for that right mood, guests were entertained to a variety of jazz numbers by a classy jazz band.

media and trade guests witnessed the unveiling of Somersby’s latest product innovation, Sparkling White at The Majapahit @ Marc Residence KLCC ^^^

chilled Somersby Sparkling White, best paired with smorgasbord of delicacies ^^^

#somersbymy 🥂#sparklewithsomersby #somersbysparklingwhite #Itsawayoflife #CarlsbergMalaysia #JZWorld

For this crisp and refreshing bubbly now joins Somersby’s other variants like Apple, Blackberry, Elderflower Lime and Sparkling Rosé, expanding Malaysia’s No.1 cider variety.

The Somersby Sparkling White is available in single bottle or 4-bottle pack in major supermarkets, hypermarkets and selected pubs, bars and restaurants. Somersby Sparkling White retails at a similar price point to other Somersby variants. It is best consumed chilled in a bucket and savoured in a wine glass for that elegant experience.

#somersbymy 🥂#sparklewithsomersby #somersbysparklingwhite #Itsawayoflife #CarlsbergMalaysia #JZWorld

Learn more about the newest member of the Somersby family on or ^^^

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