Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Tiger White Presents ‘Coaster’ Premiere: The World’s First Film Made From Beer Coasters @Glasshouse at Seputeh, KL

Drawing inspiration from the brew’s philosophy of ‘It all starts with white’ comes ‘Coaster’ - Tiger White’s first crowd-sourced film project made by Malaysia’s creative talents with mentoring by ‘Everest’ director, Baltasar Kormákur.

It was unexpected; the short film was shot in three days and resulted in a thrilling, suspenseful movie that had the audience of Coaster’s exclusive screening at Glasshouse at Seputeh gasping and applauding a job well done. The tale tells the story of a young chef faced with a vengeance dilemma: should or shouldn’t he plate up the perfect revenge when he was hired to cook for the very mobster responsible for his father’s death? 

Tiger White Presents ‘Coaster’ Premiere: The World’s First Film Made From Beer Coasters @Glasshouse at Seputeh, KL

The project was proof of the newly launched Tiger White’s simple philosophy - ‘It all starts with white’, which represents the idea that anybody can create anything if they have the courage to face a blank sheet of paper and start. It is this same resilience that framed the birth of the all new wheat variant. 

Tiger White Presents ‘Coaster’ Premiere #TigerWhite #TigerCoasterFilm #ItAllStartsWithWhite
Coaster’s cast and crew (from left): Lead actress Lynn Lim, lead actor Jonathan Lee, director We Jun, executive producer Daniel Ho and screenwriter Lim Benji
(From left): Tiger Beer senior brand manager Joyce Lim, Tiger Beer marketing manager Jessie Chuah, Coaster lead actress Lynn Lim, Coaster lead actor Jonathan Lee, special guest Hong Kong actor Chapman To, Coaster director We Jun, Tiger Beer global marketing manager Amy Tay, Tiger Beer global brand director Wong Mie Leng, Coaster screenwriter Lim Benji and Coaster executive producer Daniel Ho

Coaster’s lead actress Lynn Lim
Selfie time with Coaster’s lead actor Jonathan Lee

Drawing inspiration from the brew’s attitude, some 5,000 physical coasters were given to selected bars and cafes in Malaysia from October with hosting digital versions. These coasters served as blank canvases for young creative talents to enter and take on roles in the production from screenwriters to hair stylists to actors and even runners. We Jun and Lim Benji were the first two selected for the all-important roles of director and screenwriter respectively. Both these homegrown talents were instrumental in laying the groundwork, and crafting the plot whilst taking advice from Baltasar Kormákur. The director, who is no stranger to being courageous when bringing his ideas to life, was selected out of many potential Hollywood heavyweights for his valor and passion as it was most apparent in the retelling of tragic true accounts like Everest (starring Jake Gyllenhaal) and his Icelandic Oscar nominated film, The Deep.

a special message from Everest director Baltasar Kormákur, who mentored the production of Coaster
Emcee Nadia Heng welcomes guests to the exclusive screening of Coaster held @ Glasshouse at Seputeh 
Coaster’s lead actress Lynn Lim at the exclusive screening of the short film
Hong Kong actor Chapman To made a special appearance at the exclusive screening of Coaster

The introduction of Tiger White proves once again that Tiger Beer does not rest on its laurels and constantly pushes the boundaries of innovation, to create fresh and exciting brews for its consumers. Through Coaster, the all-new innovative product sets out to inspire young Malaysians to uncage their creative potential and to remind them that every great piece of creative work starts the same way. They just need to be brave and take that first step. 

Q&A session with the cast and crew after the screening
guests having a good time at the after party of Coaster’s exclusive screening
Coaster- behind-the-scene

Tiger White brand ambassadors at the Coaster premiere @ Glasshouse at Seputeh
cheers~ ^^ #TigerWhite #TigerCoasterFilm #ItAllStartsWithWhite

Tiger White is brewed with subtle spicy hints of clove, coriander, and orange peel and like Coaster, is made exclusively in Malaysia by Guinness Anchor Berhad. The cloudy variant with an alcohol by volume of 5% is the latest addition to join Tiger’s expanding portfolio, two years after the brand unveiled its other innovative beverage Tiger Radler – a variant that combines the crisp and easy-drinking taste of Tiger Beer with the zesty flavour of natural lemon juice. 

To watch Coaster, or view behind-the-scene footages, visit And for further information on Tiger White, log onto

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Monday, 21 December 2015

Tsubohachi Hokkaido Izakaya @ Publika, KL

数月前才正式入驻大马并于吉隆玻Publika开设第一家分店的Tsubohachi Hokkaido Izakaya,是来自日本的著名居酒屋品牌,于日本境内拥有300家分行的Tsubohachi Hokkaido Izakaya1973年创立于北海道,至今已有40余年的历史,主打的是正宗的居酒屋文化以及道地日式居酒屋料理。

Tsubohachi Hokkaido Izakaya @ A2-UG1-9 Publika, KL
Tsubohachi Hokkaido Izakaya @ Publika, KL

Tsubohachi Hokkaido Izakaya店面位置在Publika Solaris Dutamas Block A2(就在paparich的正上方),面对大马路的店面鲜红色的招牌相当抢眼。店里的装潢以居酒屋为主轴,最吸睛的莫过于三只以超巨型日式浴桶改装而成的圆座椅以及半开放式可看见师傅现场作业的厨房啦,想要较私人空间的客人们也可选择店内的和式包厢。

超巨型日式浴桶改装而成的圆座椅超吸睛的 ^^

也会因为不同时节而添加不同的小装饰,十二月当然是圣诞风咯 ;)

很有特色的装潢搭配上亲切的服务生营造出的是一个绝佳的轻松舒适用餐氛围,造访当时是星期五的晚餐时分,高朋满座的店内闹哄哄的感觉超有日式居酒屋的fu ^^

Menu方面既然是居酒屋当然少不了让人眼花缭乱的各式特调咯,满满两大页的drink menu各式饮料从米酒、烧酒、啤酒到各种鸡尾酒统统有,个人推荐这里带有柚子香与甜味酒精味道不会太浓的柚子酒,偏好稍重口味的吃货们则可试试梅子酒或kinshiro烧酒 ;)

食物方面从各种串烧与炸物乃至于软骨唐扬烤魚鰭乾豚平烧一夜干等较特色的日式居酒屋下酒菜在这里都找得到哦,个人觉得单吃的话下酒菜口味普遍都会稍微偏重,不过搭配上啤酒则是完美的绝配啦,个人推荐这里的Asahi super dry extra cold,一口小菜一口冻啤酒感觉很爽啊 XD

软骨唐扬 l Nankotsu Karaage (RM 18.9)
烤线魚鰭乾 l Eihire (RM 12.9)
很有特色的拉面沙拉,带有芝麻香味的拌酱搭配沙拉超棒的 b^^d
温泉蛋鸡肉馅铁板烧 l Ontama Tsukune Teppanyaki (RM 12.9) b^^d
明太马铃薯烧 l Potato Mentaiko Yaki (RM 13.9)
葡萄柚+烧酒的特调Fresh Grapefruit Sour 
Angle Smile Mockatail (left, RM 8.8), Ginger Highball (Whisky with ginger ale, RM 20) Pickled Plum Sour (right, RM 17.8)
長葱雞肉串Negima (RM 7.8)
烤鸡皮串Torikawa (RM 7.8)
鸡颈串烧 l Seseri (RM 7.8)
非常酥脆的香炸鰈魚,是酥脆到连鱼骨都能吃的程度哦 l Karei Karaage b^^d 
麻糬糕點 l Imo Mochi (RM 8.9)
满满蛋黄酱的美味豚平烧热腾腾上桌光是卖相已经满分啦,下边被覆盖的是满满的蔬菜丝所以完全不会有太腻的问题哦 l Tonpeiyaki b^^d (RM 12.9)
又一道喝冻啤酒必点的鹽燒鲫鱼一夜干 l Hokke Hiraki b^^d (RM 52.9)

除了下酒菜Tsubohachi的白菜猪肉片锅物、流水凉面以及釜饭是这里众多主食里较具特色的,尤其摆盘用心清甜可口的白菜猪肉片锅物以及好吃又好玩的流水素面个人非常喜欢 b^^d

现场烹煮的北海釜饭,上桌后煮个15-20分钟即可热腾腾开动啦 l Hokkai Kamameshi
北海釜饭 l Hokkai Kamameshi (RM 36.9)
石狩锅 l Ishikari Nabe (RM 19.9)
流水素面 l Nagashi Somen Setto ^^ (RM 27.9)
烧烤与酒后再来点冰冰凉凉的流水面,好吃又好玩 ;)
流水素面Nagashi Somen Setto
记得一定要搭配配菜里的葱花和黄瓜丝 ;)
以大白菜以及猪肉片一层层堆叠的锅物,蔬菜与猪肉混合的清甜搭配带点爽脆的口感感觉超好吃的,搭配些许酱油更能勾勒出肉的鲜味 l Buta Hakusai Nabe b^^d (29.9)
Buta Hakusai Nabe
Matcha de Roru ( RM 14.9) ^^
Matcha Mochi Mochi (RM 12.9)
Kakurenbo Aisu (RM 14.9)

除了以上美食爱小酌两杯的吃货们注意啦,Tsubohachi目前Nomihodai(酒水任饮)+banquet dinner促销正在进行中哦,7 menus晚宴外加30多种包含啤酒、烧酒、米酒、柚子酒、梅子酒等等的九十分钟无限畅饮只需RM 128 nett,更多畅饮配套可查看下边的Tsubohachi Malaysia官网及脸书 ;)

Tsubohachi Hokkaido Izakaya 
Address: A2-UG1-9 Publika Solaris Dutamas, 
No 1 Jalan Dutamas, Jalan Solaris, 
Publika, 50480 Hartamas Heights, 
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 
Phone:+60 3-6206 5526

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Friday, 18 December 2015

Johnnie Walker Redefining Success with Joy: Joy Will Take You Further

Determination wins a race. Joy makes history. Johnnie Walker, the most widely distributed blended Scotch Whisky in the world, has rolled out the Joy Will Take You Further campaign – its biggest campaign in the brand’s history. Together with Malaysia’s street artist extraordinaire, Kenji Chai and thrill-seeking photographer, Keow Wee Loong, they will be the first to team up with Johnnie Walker in the local scene to shed light on its new philosophy through a series of inspiring joy stories.

Johnnie Walker official Joy Will Take You Further campaign launch: From (L-R) Ee Hood Liang, Senior Brand Manager for Johnnie Walker Deluxe and Haig Club; Kenji Chai, street artist extraordinaire; Rajesh Joshi, Marketing Director of Diageo Brands; Keow Wee Loong, thrill-seeking photographer and Ryan Tann, Johnnie Walker Super Deluxe & Reserve Brand Manager.

Joy Will Take You Further is an evolution of the brand’s famous ‘Keep Walking’ campaign which advocates the need to add joy in the pursuit for personal progress. Based on new insights into how progress is viewed by consumers today, it brings to life the concept that joy can be a catalyst to the progress they seek. The new campaign aims to generate a positive culture shift by promoting the idea that finding joy in the journey is part of the recipe for success.

Rajesh Joshi, Marketing Director of Diageo Brands sharing key insights on how joy fuels personal progress, international and local initiatives to kick-start Johnnie Walker’s Joy Will Take You Further campaign – the biggest campaign in the brand’s history.

Driven by passion and enthusiasm, both Kenji and Wee Loong, who embody the spirit of Joy Will Take You Further, shared their personal stories on their journey to achieving their ultimate goals in life. Kenji Chai, a renowned graffiti artist who was born and raised in Sandakan, Sabah, relates closely to the struggles and hardships of stray animals, thus he advocates for their adoption and care by depicting them through his murals. Echoing the same sentiment was Wee Loong, law graduate turned avid photographer who developed a true passion in photography after receiving his first DSLR camera about four years ago. The adventure-seeking lad from Kuala Lumpur took the route less travelled, climbing skyscrapers and active volcanoes to capture breathtaking images. His work has since been published on international newspapers and online portals, shared virally via social media.

Both Kenji and Wee Loong will be collaborating with Johnnie Walker to further magnify the campaign’s core values by sharing their stories and passion through multi-platform communication channels.

Local personalities including Kenji Chai (left) street artist extraordinaire, and Keow Wee Loong, thrill-seeking photographer sharing their joy stories and upcoming projects that they hope to achieve.

Johnnie Walker redefining success with joy: Joy Will Take You Further 

In conjunction with the Joy Will Take You Further campaign launch, Johnnie Walker also introduced its Johnnie Walker Highball offering, in partnership with SodaXpress - Malaysia’s 1st Sparkling Water Maker. Available at selected bars and bistros across Malaysia, Johnnie Walker Highball pairs the rich, complex and incredibly well-balanced flavour of Johnnie Walker Black Label with crisp, fizzy sparkling water. It also comes with the choice of apple, peach or mint syrup to be added into the mixture for a sweeter palate, finished with a few ice cubes.

Presenting Johnnie Walker Highball which is in partnership with SodaXpress – Malaysia’s Sparkling Water Maker to create a more customizable way of enjoying whisky.

The Joy Will Take You Further campaign, which has activated simultaneously in more than 50 countries, also features stars from the world of sports and entertainment such as Formula One World Champion and McLaren Honda driver Jenson Button, Oscar-nominated actor Jude Law, Chinese actor Zhao Wei, US rock band OK Go and Mexican supermodel Montserrat Oliver alongside a cast of extraordinary achievers who share the brand’s view of how happiness in life is a fuel for success. The campaign is also substantiated with the launch of a booklet entitled Joynomics: The Study of Joy and Progress, penned by American happiness scholar Dr. Matt Killingsworth, Ph.D.

a little Joy Will Take You Further moments ft. Johnnie Walker Gold Reserve's newly created serving ritual ^^ 
#JohnnieWalker ‪#GoldLabelReserve #CelebrationLounge #JoyWillTakeYouFurther

For more information on the Joy Will Take You Further campaign, stay tuned to Johnnie Walker’s Facebook page at

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