Saturday, 7 September 2019

【马航吉隆玻-巴黎商务舱体验报告】一趟等于四台苹果手机的机票究竟包含了什么?Malaysia Airlines MH02 A350 KL (KUL)- Paris (CDG) Business Class Review ✈️

2019 年 8月末,大马国庆日来临之际,1 張機票、1 個行李箱與 1 個笔电包,我 1 個人飞行 一万零九百四十七公里,吉隆玻起飞,伦敦转机,着陆巴黎,踏足生平第一次造訪的歐洲大陸,笔电包与拉杆箱比预想的行囊重量来得轻便但五位数的机票夹带了工作任务虽然薄薄一纸却略显沉重 -_____-

Anyway,job aside,在一个一呼吸就会戀愛的城市,纵使是出差体验也是超棒der,虽然因为公务所以完整巴黎旅游攻略从缺,但巴黎的小美好po文还是有滴,除了本篇马航吉隆玻-巴黎商务舱飞行体验之外之后的巴黎地铁篇、塞纳河游船午餐、法式米其林初体验、罗切斯特香榭丽舍酒店住宿推荐等将陆续有来敬请期待 ^^^ 那么巴黎行第一弹,一趟等于四台苹果手机的KL—Paris商务机票究竟包含了什么?欢迎往下滑动开启一趟单程近15小时的长途飞行 ;)

商务旅程的打开放式:舒适的VIP飞行 ✈️✈️✈️

马航吉隆玻-巴黎商务舱体验报告 l MAS MH02 A350 KL (KUL)- Paris (CDG) Business Class Review ^^^

吉隆坡到伦敦如果搭马航MAS将是两段式飞行,第一段13小时左右飞行时间的航程从吉隆坡国际机场KLIA(KUL)-伦敦希思罗国际机场Heathrow(LHR)将由MH01或MH02 Airbus A350机型完成,再从伦敦LHR转搭英国航空飞行一个小时到巴黎夏尔·戴高乐国际机场Aéroport Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle(CDG),商务舱体验将从踏入KLIA吉隆坡国际机场baggage check-in开始 ;)


马航的check-in柜台一般都在KLIA 1号航站5楼离境大厅F柜台,商务舱乘客或航空白金及黄金会员则可在D排享受专属办理登机手续及行李寄存柜台,居所从今年五月开始所有economy class乘客都需要在机场kiosk机器self check in(也可网上先行online check-in)之后再到F柜台托运行李。而商务舱乘客经个人验证只需带护照直接到D柜台托运行李和领取登机证就可以啦相当方便哦,凭商务舱登机证也可在KLIA Satellite Building二楼的马航卫星黄金贵宾室MAS Satellite Golden Lounge 用餐等候飞机起飞 ;)

取得登机证后就可搭航站小火车到马航卫星黄金贵宾室MAS Satellite Golden Lounge 用餐等候飞机起飞啦 ;)

MAS Satellite Golden Lounge @ Level 2 Satellite Building, KLIA

马航在KLIA一共有两个贵宾室分别位于主航站及卫星航站,位于卫星航站的MAS Satellite Golden Lounge相对较大一般长程国际航班都会从这里登机出发,貴賓室主要提供寰宇一家One World的会员及马航商务舱乘客使用 ;)

除了落地窗前的舒适座椅提供近距离赏机体验外当然各种西式及本土美食也都蛮丰富的,还有先点现做的面食及三文治哦。虽然空间挺大但这里人还蛮多的靠窗的位置还是要花些时间才能等到。友人推荐这里的curry laksa很好吃,试了一下果然挺不错 ;) 当然吧台也提供各式饮料包过括啤酒红白酒等,不过长程飞行还需斟酌适量啦 ;) 

挺不错的curry laksa给一张照片,其它自助餐点就不拍了,下回有机会再试试这里的fresh sandwich ^^

本次从吉隆玻往巴黎的航班搭的是MH02 A350班机,据说是2018才投入这个航线哦,新飞机感觉还挺好的 ;) 商务舱位置是以1-2-1和1-2-2横式排列分为前半段及后半段,前边是四个头等舱座位,往后则是经济舱。个人觉得若想要额外的储物空间单座的'throne' seats是最棒的,同时还可享有兼具隐私及欣赏窗外风景的优势,接着是单座的靠窗的single seat,2个并排的twin seats则走道靠窗各有优劣,毕竟长程飞行需要走动进出盥洗什么的都需要稍作考虑  ;)

马航MH02商务舱第一排是1-2-1排列,最左边的是靠窗single seat,没在照片里拍摄角度前方的则是'throne' seat ;)

第二排的1-2-2排列twin seats,薄床垫被单软拖鞋盥洗包什么的基本一应俱全啦 b^^^d

A350近乎180֯平躺的机位,超宽敞leg room,按摩椅,齐全的电影歌曲in-flight entertainment娱乐系统以及商务舱menu等都在水准之上保证把长途飞行的劳累沉闷降到最低,机组人员的亲切服务也很加分 :)

作为宽屏爱好者原本以为比桌上型电脑荧幕还小的display会没啥吸引力,但在来回的航程里却意外地看完了三、四部电影还挺乐在其中的,in-flight entertainment system里边的即时镜头(camera view)功能以及interactive map提供即时旅程讯息感觉也很棒 b^^^d

超宽敞leg room个人非常喜欢,当然想睡觉还可把椅子降到几乎180°平躺 ^^

MAS in-flight entertainment system里边的即时镜头(camera view)功能以及interactive map

电动调节的座椅还附按摩功能,但力度个人觉得还可以再稍微加强 :P

各种电影任君选择 ;)

马航吉隆玻-巴黎13小时的航程一共提供两份餐点(起飞后的晚餐及抵达前的早餐),当然还有全程可点的起司汤面三文治酒水冰淇淋等啦,而且还有马航专属家乡味鸡肉牛肉沙爹和nasi lemak哦 ^^^

马航专属家乡味鸡肉牛肉沙爹 ^^

MAS KL-London business class menu

生活偶尔是需要点仪式感滴,对于马航高空上用餐的仪式感,餐点前菜、主菜、甜点和各种你所选择的搭配餐酒,香槟、 白酒、 红酒、烈酒以及餐具个人表示非常赞赏 b^^^d

晚餐/宵夜吃的是鲑鱼配香槟 ^^

看完电影酒饱饭足以后换上舒适的软拖鞋准备睡觉啦,空姐很贴心的坚持要帮忙铺床垫但身为一个绅士我反坚持还是让我自己来吧 :P

长途飞行放松的脚丫是一种无法形容的舒服啊 ;)

然后在睡了五、六个小时看了两场电影吃了各种餐点鲑鱼椰浆饭果汁热可可以后终于来到伦敦准备转机啦,由于马航吉隆玻-巴黎是和英国航空co-share于是最后一段一小时伦敦-巴黎航程是由British Airways操作,也就是说凭着商务舱boarding pass便可进入英国航空位于伦敦希思罗国际机场London HeathrowBritish Airways Lounge啦,这很重要因为这里的pastry超好吃的,过境英国没有比来份道地英式早餐更重要的啦 ^^

British Airways Lounge T5,这里的pasty超好吃而且很英国 ^^^

British Airways Lounge in Terminal 5

British Airways Lounge in Terminal 5


回程@巴黎夏尔·戴高乐国际机场Aéroport Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle(CDG)

从巴黎-吉隆坡返程飞行路线与时间基本一样,不同的是在巴黎戴高乐机场马航商务舱使用的是Cathay Pacific(国泰航空)lounge,而在伦敦Heathrow则是马航MAS位于第四航站的T4 Malaysia Airlines Golden Lounge,国泰巴黎机场的lounge面食很好吃但不晓得什么原因人暴多啊位子感觉有些供不应求 ;)

Cathay Pacific(国泰航空)lounge @ Paris CDG Airport

Cathay Pacific Business Class Lounge @ CSG Paris,这里的担担面和拉面都很棒 ;)

马航位于伦敦希思罗国际机场Heathrow第四航站T4Malaysia Airlines Golden Lounge和KLIA的完全是两种格调啊,超大的落地窗在傍晚时分呈现的是希思罗机场飞机在晚霞起降的画面,搭配任君选择的rendang或西式三文治感觉宁静轻松,不想吃东西的话也可以在吧台点饮料,收拾好心情准备回家啦 ^^

马航位于伦敦希思罗国际机场Heathrow第四航站T4的Malaysia Airlines Golden Lounge感觉宁静轻松

国际机场的lounges是和飞机近距离接触的好地方,飞机迷想必会很喜欢 :)

在距离马来西亚一万公里的地方,rendang遇见sandwich ^^

2135 London Heathrow ready for takeoff ;) #Imcominghome

回程午餐点了个prawns & monkfish配Chardonnay 2016,用料相当实在啊 ^^^

MAS Business wine list,个人对酒没有深入研究但据友人表示这些都是很不错的红白酒哦 ;)

13小时飞越一万多公里,MAS MH01 @ Malaysia airspace

13小时飞越一万多公里扣除时差5天4夜的旅程我又回到这熟悉的城市里,MAS马航吉隆玻-巴黎商务舱体验报告体验过程如上,综合旅程舒适度、航空公司服务、餐点等整体表现个人评分为8/10,until next time, cheers~ ^^^


你见过午夜十二点的巴黎吗 ^^^

一个一呼吸就会戀愛的城市,la ville de l'amour❦

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Thursday, 29 August 2019

Carlsberg Just Keeps Getting Better! #PursuitofBetter

Carlsberg – Probably The Best Beer In The World  – now comes with a new, modern look and practical betterments to deliver an even better beer enjoyment experience!

At the grand launch at Marimbar, Carlsberg officially unveiled Carlsberg’s refreshed Danish-inspired brand identity, balancing simplicity with contemporary design, applied across its products, packaging, communications, visibilities and amenities to deliver a better experience for all beer lovers.

Carlsberg “Pursuit of Better” Grand Launch @ Marimbar Rooftop Bar, Pinnacle PJ

Carlsberg’s “pursuit of better” has been encapsulated in the brand’s iconic history of 172 years since its establishment in Copenhagen, Denmark. The brand counts numerous ground-breaking milestones in its efforts to elevate the art of brewing, starting most notably with the establishment of the Carlsberg Laboratory in 1875 focusing on perfecting malting, brewing and fermentation.

The Carlsberg Laboratory’s scientific research led to the development of the world’s first pure yeast strain – S accharomyces car lsbergensis –by Carlsberg Laboratory scientist Emil Christian Hansen in 1883, a discovery which changed the face of modern brewing, as well as the pH scale by S.P.L. Sorensen in 1909 which is still used today. The laboratory continues to further the fields of chemical and genetic research that contribute toward its quality ingredients and improved brewing processes in its operations throughout the world.
Carlsberg Just Keeps Getting Better! #PursuitofBetter

The brand’s new look and feel is most visible on its packaging, coupled with three practical improvements that sees a new Fresh Cap on Carlsberg bottles, the same great brew served in premium-looking stem glasses, and cans that come in Easy-to-Open packs. These “betterments” are a result of Carlsberg’s efforts and belief in constant improvement and refinement in progressive pursuit of better beer. Probably The Best Beer In The World just keeps getting better!

Carlsberg’s new Fresh Cap employs a cleverly designed scavenger liner that removes oxygen from the headspace in the bottle, so you get fresher taste up to five-times longer in Carlsberg’s bottled beer.

On the other hand, Carlsberg’s new glass features a bowl-shaped design and tapered head for a smoother pour, coupled with a stemmed chalice design and embossed details that make for a premium feel. What sets Carlsberg’s new stem glass apart from the rest is the laser-etched, hop leafshaped nucleation stamp at the bottom of the glass. The nucleation stamp creates many little pits and peaks where bubbles can form, generating more tiny bubbles that rise to the top. Because the bubbles continually replenish the foam (head), the beer maintains its head for significantly longer, which in turn helps retain the aroma of the beer, thus delivering a better beer experience.

Probably The Best Beer In The World just keeps getting better! ;)

For consumers who purchase Carlsberg cans, you can now open a 6-can pack of Carlsberg in next to no time with the Easy-to-Open perforated shrink wrap, allowing you to enjoy Probably The Best Beer In The World with ease and convenience without the need for a sharp object or worrying about sore fingers to pry open the pack.

Besides being able to enjoy a better beer experience, consumers will be delighted to know that they will also be minimising the environmental impact while enjoying Carlsberg products with new sustainable packaging initiatives introduced.

Carlsberg is going greener with its switch to Cradle to Cradle Certified™ silver ink that is produced using renewable energy across its bottle labels. The ink helps improve the recyclability of packaging.

New look, but same great brew!

Carlsberg Malaysia is also the first Carlsberg market in the world to pioneer the use of a new wax emulsion coating on its refillable glass bottles which helps to double its lifetime. The coating reduces scuffing which extends the bottles’ longevity, allowing them to look new and scratch-free for longer, reducing the need for bottles to be taken out of circulation for recycling.

To learn more about Carlsberg’s new look and feel, betterments and promotions, visit the brand’s Facebook page at CarlsbergMY or check out

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Monday, 29 July 2019

阿榮哥海南茶檔: 传承50余年的老味道,喜欢它就把它带回家 ll Ah Weng Koh Hainan Tea @ ICC Pudu, KL

提起燕美巴刹Imbi Market那绝对是老KL人记忆里美味充满的美食天堂,各种淳朴正宗的道地先辈南洋美味看似简单却总是让人白吃不厌,无论是黄金阵容的海南茶、云吞面、薄饼、蛋挞霸气组合或简单朴实的「海南三宝烤面包、生熟蛋、海南茶,这里数十年如一日清晨时分准时升起的袅袅炊烟总是能让人咀嚼出最初记忆里熟悉温润的味道 ^^^

阿榮哥海南茶檔 @ ICC Pudu

虽然已搬迁改名数年但历经改迁所幸美味不变,巴刹里的老味道在新所在ICC Pudu富都综合商业大厦继续飘香,而更让人高兴的是在ICC Pudu里伫立近一甲子的经典美味阿榮哥海南茶檔随时代更迭而蜕变,推成出新的推出了盒装版阿榮哥海南茶,如今除了清晨时分在ICC Pudu叹上一杯海南茶之外品一杯传承50余年的老味道今后绝对更加方便啦 *掌声鼓励~ ^^^

阿榮哥海南茶檔since 1964,传承50余年的老味道 ;)

阿榮哥海南茶檔位置就在ICC Pudu美食中心入口的右手边还上 ;)

盒装版阿榮哥海南茶媒体发布会,YB 陈国伟是座上嘉宾


位于ICC Pudu富都综合商业大厦底楼的档口不大但非常有生活气息。而今除了在人声鼎沸的美食中心里叹茶大家也可以随意外带盒装版阿榮哥海南茶出游啦,送礼自用两相宜啊 ;)

阿榮哥海南茶典雅包装,怀旧原味传承,与世界共享 ^^

近一甲子以来为吉隆坡人提供暖心早餐的茶档至今仍保持着当年的经营方式,而尤其假日熙熙攘攘的人潮与慕名而来的旅客都是正宗海南茶醇厚朴实味道魅力的最佳写照 ^^^

经常可见的人潮训练了茶档员工的快手 ;)

快到失焦,这功力serve上的烤面包你想试试吗? ;)

一杯浓浓的海南茶再搭配上现烤出炉的烤面包,香甜的伽耶配上醇厚的南洋茶香,完美~ ^^^

能媲美豆浆油条的也就只有海南茶与烤面包啦 ;)

有厚度的牛油片,有一种美味叫做 不解释 你懂的 ^^^


懂生活 更快乐 ;) #叹茶 #海南茶 #南洋风

阿榮哥海南茶: 传承50余年的老味道,喜欢它就把它带回家 ;)

@ahwengkoh #ahwengkohHainantea #alifeofgoodtaste #KlSouvenir

60秒时间冲泡的海南茶,独家配方和比例造就了传承三代醇厚悠长的余韵,而今陈酒新瓶让品味醇朴好滋味更加简单方便啦,更多关于阿榮哥海南茶檔请点链接转接阿榮哥海南茶檔脸书专页啦--> :)

结束以前来个小惊喜,ICC Pudu阿荣哥海南茶除了盒装版之外接着还会有推出soft serve霜淇淋啊,冰凉的茶香霜淇淋居然还有一丝丝烤面包里黄油片的香气,我喜欢 ^^^

阿榮哥海南茶霜淇淋,敬请期待 ^^^

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Wednesday, 10 July 2019

United Legend is Here:Uncage your skills with Rio Ferdinand at Tiger Street Football 2019

Tiger Beer, Malaysia’s No. 1 beer, is taking football back to the streets with the return of Tiger Street Football. Tiger Street Football tournaments will soon be coming to a town near you – providing a platform for streetwise stars to uncage their skills and prove that they have what it takes to be the best. Following a series of Regional Qualifiers kicking off in July, the top-rated teams will compete against each other at the Grand Finals to find the ultimate champions. The winners will walk away with a cash prize of RM10,000, a trophy presented by legendary football star and Tiger Beer Brand Ambassador Rio Ferdinand, and of course, the ultimate bragging rights!
Sign up to showcase your football skills and stand to win RM10,000 presented by legendary football star and Tiger Beer Brand Ambassador Rio Ferdinand ^^^

Ferdinand is the natural choice to front the campaign – growing up in a small council flat, he kicked his first ball on the streets of South London, Peckham; the place where he honed his football skills and learned to get up again and again, no matter how many times he got knocked down.
If you and your friends are football players with great passion for the sport, this is your time to shine – teams of six are invited to register now at for a fee of RM100. Regional Qualifiers will begin in Kuala Lumpur on 13th July, followed by Penang on 14th July and Johor Bahru on 20th July. In addition to entry into the tournament, each team will receive exclusive Tiger Street Football kits and a Tiger football on the day of their Regional Qualifier.
The Grand Finals will see 8 of the best teams compete for the title - the first and second place from each Regional Qualifier and two ‘wildcard’ teams – those with the best goal difference across all qualifiers. 
Footie fans who want to watch the top teams going head to head at the finals should clear their schedule from 6pm onwards on Saturday 27th July and kick on down to TREC KL for the Tiger Street Football Festival. In addition to the exhilarating Grand Finals, there will be an array of fun football activities, live music, delicious food and of course - plenty of ice-cold Tiger Beer. They’ll also get a chance to see legendary football star and Tiger Beer Brand Ambassador Rio Ferdinand, who will crown the champions.
For fans who’d love to get their hands on one-of-a-kind Tiger Street Football memorabilia including footballs and jerseys signed by Rio Ferdinand, or the chance to meet the legend himself up-close and personal, make sure to check out participating bars near you to find out how. Various contests are running on Drinkies, Tiger Beer’s website and Facebookpage as well, so don’t miss out!

*Tiger Street Football is open to non-Muslims aged 21 and above only. For full details and competition rules, visit or .

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