Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Nuffnang 'Maleficent' Premiere Party @ GSC Pavilion KL

Plot:Maleficent explores the untold story of Disney's most iconic villain from the classic "Sleeping Beauty" and the elements of her betrayal that ultimately turn her pure heart to stone. Driven by revenge and a fierce desire to protect the moors over which she presides, Maleficent cruelly places an irrevocable curse upon the human king's newborn infant Aurora. As the child grows, Aurora is caught in the middle of the seething conflict between the forest kingdom she has grown to love and the human kingdom that holds her legacy. Maleficent realises that Aurora may hold the key to peace in the land and is forced to take drastic actions that will change both worlds forever. (c)Walt Disney Pictures

A huge thanks to Nuffnang & Walt Disney Studios Malaysia, I was invited to a way-interesting-than-normal premiere screening at GSC Pavilion KL just the other night, partying with abundance buffet before the screening while chilling with Maleficent & the human kingdom guardians *Like* XD

entering the magic kingdom of Maleficent ^^
Nuffnang 'Maleficent' Premiere Party @ GSC Pavilion KL.
Met Maleficent at the premiere party, I bet it will be big time awesome if Angelina Jolie was here *think tooooo much XD*  
Some noms before the screening v^^v

Alright passing through the premiere party, let’s turn back to the movie itself. If you’re expecting a superbly written storyline with impressive twists & turns, one that would ‘wow’ you throughout the movie, the chances are you might find it slightly disappointing at the end of the movie Maleficent. Now don’t get me wrong though, the magical kingdom created by visual master Robert Stromberg is truly amazing (it somehow remind me of Avatar at some point), the audio sounds great & some of the characters are quite pleasing. Anyway I did raise my bar a little knowing that the impressively talented superstar Angelina Jolie will be unwinding the “true story” behind Disney’s 1959 Sleeping Beauty, maybe it’s my bad expecting too much huh..

Maleficent: in cinemas 29 May 2014.. Don't believe the fairy tale~ :)
#MaleficentMY #Nuffnang 

Unveiling the other sides of a fairy tale and putting a heart & soul into an iconic villain is truly brilliant & prepossessing which definitely worth a thumb up, however my desire for a well-rounded story wasn’t quite fulfilled and perhaps the simplicity & a much predictable storyline is what holding the movie back from a better rating.  

Thanks to NuffnangMY for the invites :)

Rating: 6.5/10~

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Monday, 26 May 2014

Heineken 3rd Consecutive Gold @Putra Brand Awards #post Putra Brand Awards Celebration Party‏

Heineken MY turned The Apartment Restaurant & Bar, e@Curve into a nicely set up party space as fans & media of the iconic beer gathered to celebrate the 3rd consecutive Gold at Putra Brand Awards 2014!

Some of you might have noticed that this was quite some time ago but hey, it really ain’t that long okay, besides It’s never too late to congratulate, so fans of Heineken lets put our hands together for a huge CONGRATULATION to Heineken MY  in winning the 3rd consecutive GOLD at Putra Brand Awards 2014! *ClapClapClap ClapClapClap ClapClapClap* & hat's off for another great win in the Beverage-Alcoholic category at the consumer-driven Putra Brand Awards 2014 b^^d

Heineken3rd consecutive Gold at Putra Brand Awards 2014! Congratulation!! ^^ 
Heineken post Putra Brand Awards Celebration Party‏ at The Apartment Restaurant & Bar, e@Curve.
featuring at the celebration party, DJs Hulkas and Xu dropping some entertaining beats as we party the night away ;)
generous flow of Heineken in exclusive club bottle throughout the night , love the edgy design ^^
& to make the night even better, delightful noms in the house! gosh these things are superb especially when you have an icy cold Heineken in hand :P 
sinful noms once in a while feels AWESOME :P That was 12 am by d way   
lastly, a close-up of the trophy, Heineken: Gold @ Putra Brand Awards 2014 (Beverage-Alcoholic category), congratulation! cheers~ b^^d

To be part of Heineken’s exciting calendar of events, log on to or

*Like what you read? Like >Jz.World FB page here< for updates & more fun stuff, cheers! 

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Sunday, 18 May 2014

舌尖上的中国:吃货特选美食篇之本帮菜 @上海“保罗酒楼” l POLO Restaurant, Shanghai, China

闭上眼睛我仿佛又回到了从前,站在那华丽的厅间,空气里那诱人香气是那么的明显,舌尖上当时的味觉依然荡漾于齿颊之间.. 时间倒带回到二零一三年七月上海的某个夏夜,太阳的余威随着夜晚的降临而渐渐散去,七时三十分,恰好的晚餐时间 ^^ 是的亲爱的吃货朋友们,继去年九月po>舌尖上的中国:吃货特选美食篇之杭帮菜@“外婆家”<之后,暌违已久的舌尖上的中国吃货特选系列再次强势回归啦!虽然时隔好一段时间,但身为一枚专业的吃货,咱们对于美食想吃的心,是绝对不会在时间洪流的冲刷下逐渐淡去的对吧 ;) 那么本次便为大家介绍一间藏身于上海深巷中的美味,擅长上海本帮菜的保罗酒楼*请掌声鼓励*

虽然这篇po文对大多吃货来说或许是个美丽的疼痛,毕竟若你如同我一般身在KL,那便意味着以下美食皆与咱们相隔千里,而距离恰恰是浇熄爱情的第一桶冷水 XD 但是没关系,身为一枚资深吃货,要浇熄在下对美食的热情一桶冷水是不足够滴 :P 所以且容区区在下强忍着即将溃堤的泪水与口水,为大家深情献上这一走访上海不可错过的美味酒楼——保罗酒楼是也。*再次掌声* 未免将来到中国旅游时与之擦肩而过而抱憾终身,果断收藏此文吧吃货们!:P



好啦装潢介绍和定位结束,有请主角们登场咯,美食们请了~ >__<

保罗生煎,个头超大厚实的生煎包覆着五花肉馅,口感扎实脆香,感觉不错。[RMB 26.00]
*题外话:爱吃生煎的吃货们个人推荐>小杨生煎<,价廉物美 b^^d
油条海鲜卷,非常特别的一道菜,类似油炸版的酿豆腐,酥脆的油条裹着柔软的海鲜胶内陷,配上特调酱汁,非常敦实爽口。 [RMB 32.00]
荷叶无骨鸭(半只),皮脆且鸭肉丝毫不会太干太柴,就着小馒头吃,香啊~ [RMB 48.00]

瑞士牛,保罗的经典招牌,有别于一般牛排偏有嚼劲的口感,保罗瑞士牛排可是香嫩且入口即化,佐以本帮菜浓油赤酱特点的酱汁,必点啊~ b^^d [RMB 68.00]
法式焗蜗牛,一道有别于本帮菜的fusion,纯粹想试试蜗牛而点的,焗烤的起司配上蜗牛感觉稍嫌油腻,蜗牛肉略腥,没太大的惊喜。[RMB 48.00]

酥皮青豆泥,青豆泥口感细腻,卖相也不错,对个人而言稍微偏甜。[RMB 20.00]

我们一行四个人点了以上六道菜,总消费RMB 242,既一人RMB 60.50(马币30元左右)便可享受一顿丰盛满足的晚餐,而且100 % tax free,服务税什么有的没的一概全无(感动啊~),中国是个吃货天堂之说再次得以验证 b^^d

ps: 由于生意很好,特别到了周末经常需要排队,所以吃货们要么提早订位,要不就出发时先预留个30分钟排队时间吧。^^

271 Fumin Road,
Jing'an, Shanghai, China.

*Like what you read? Like >Jz.World FB page here< for updates & more fun stuff, cheers! 
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Wednesday, 14 May 2014

GUINNESS® Bold Truck: A Toast to those who are Made of More

It’s 7 pm at the office and you’re still not ready to go home as there’s still a long way to go before you could call it a day, you get yourself a cup of coffee & with a long sigh another overtime marathon begins.. Working overtime, some said it’s a good thing as you’re putting in more effort in work which is a sign of hardworking & commitment. With that being said, the big question of “Overtime = hardworking or hardly working?” is still a much debatable topic. One thing for sure is that long hours of OT day in and day out just isn’t how life should be..

What are you made of? Made a bold move to leave work on time & reward yourself with a pint of GUINNESS®
Life rewards the Bold ;)

Nothing could be more gratifying than leaving work on time & reward yourself with a pleasing pint of the world’s most iconic black brew, GUINNESS®, serving up icy cold right outside your work place, and to make it even better--- the pint is on the house! Sounds too good to be true? Well that’s exactly what the GUINNESS® ‘Made of More’ campaign is all about. ^^

“The idea came from an insight that Malaysians typically do not leave work on time and tend to work late most days. GUINNESS® is a brand that inspires people to make bold choices, and this campaign is a reaffirmation of that principle. The decision to leave work on time is just one example of a bold move that our consumers make, and it shows that they are truly men and women who are ‘Made of More’,” said Bruce Dallas, Marketing Director of Guinness Anchor Berhad.

GUINNESS® #MadeofMore Truck @Malones, Sooka Sentral.

Cruising across the city starting from May, last Friday the #MadeofMore truck was in place outside Malones @Sooka Sentral, which opened up at 17:59 - GUINNESS® time to reveal the bar hidden inside, while beautiful GUINNESS® brand ambassadors serving up pleasurable pint of iconic black brew to those bold ones who were Made of More and leaving work on time. ^^

GUINNESS® #MadeofMore Truck, opening at 17:59 - GUINNESS® time ^^
Ice cold GUINNESS® ready to be served.
Rewarding time! A pint of icy cold iconic black brew for those bold ones who left work on time ;)

And here's the best way to spend a Friday night- Leave work early, grab some nice food + a pint of GUINNESS® iconic black brew~ ^^
leave work on time & join us for a toast for great life~ ^^ 
noms @ GUINNESS® #MadeofMore celebration :)
GUINNESS® believes life rewards the bold! #MadeofMore :) 

Fancy for a pint of your own? Well good news as the GUINNESS® Made of More Truck will be travelling to several other locations around the Klang Valley to reward bold and deserving GUINNESS® consumers. Be bold, leave work on time and be rewarded. Having said that, before leaving work on time, do ensure that work is completed and it wouldn’t hurt to ask your bosses and colleagues along. The #MadeofMore Truck will be @ The Scott Garden, Old Klang Road on 16th of May (Friday, 17:59 onwards, 6PM – 7PM). For more information, log on to >Guinness® Malaysia FB here< or

*Like what you read? Like >Jz.World FB page here< for updates & more fun stuff, cheers! 
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Sunday, 11 May 2014

Goku Raku Ramen l 極樂らーめん @Mid Valley Megamall

Hey what’s up foodies, the ramen series is back, this time bring you the "Horikiri Style" ramen from Goku Raku Ramen outlet located at one of Malaysia's favourite shopping destinations- Mid Valley Megamall. For those who missed the previous ramen reviews, simply click >here: Marutama Ramen @Fahrenheit 88<  & >here: Hokkaido Ramen Santouka@Pavilion KL< for a quick recap ;)

Thanks to the lovely invite from Goku Raku Ramen & Ivy, I had a chance to attend a pretty lavish food review at the GRR Mid Valley outlet where several signature ramen together with some delightful appetizers, katsu etc. were served. ^^ 

Goku Raku Ramen l 極樂らーめん@ Lot S25 & S26, Level 2, Mid Valley Megamall.
Warm specious interior @ Goku Raku Ramen, Mid Valley Megamall outlet.

perhaps the most attention attention drawing thing at Goku Raku Ramen outlet @Mid Valley Megamall-- the sophisticated (& extremely expensive according to the chef ^^) ramen-making machine which supply freshly made ramen to all the GRR outlets on daily basis.
The nicely printed menu.

And here comes the stars of the night, the 5 Star Kakuni Ramen & the 5 Star Aburi Char Siew Ramen. Both consist of a generous portion of ramen topped with spring onion, bean sprout, bamboo shoot, soft & smooth lava egg, black garlic oil and delectable homemade braised pork belly (for Kakuni ramen) / mouth-watering roasted char siew (for Aburi Char Siew ramen).    

5 Star Kakuni Ramen (R). RM 26.90
5 Star Aburi Char Siew Ramen (R). RM 25.90

One thing to be highlight at Goku Raku Ramen would be the unique Tonkotsu soup, a creamy & rich soup make up by a well mixed broth of palatable pork, chicken & fish, as well as the japanese Shio (salt) and Shoyu (soy sauce). This is so far the most ample pork base ramen soup that I've tasted, a must try for heavy tasters and pork lovers.

Tan Tan Ramen. An alternative for those who doesn't like their noodles to be too soupy. RM 13.90
GRR Meatballs. Crispy skin with soft juicy fillings, the luscious sweet sauce might be too much for me but some of the girl bloggers fell deep in love with it. ;) RM 5 (5pcs) RM 9 (10 pcs) RM 17 (20pcs) 
Yaki Gyoza. RM 9.90 

For group/family dining, chef’s special course meal which comes with a great deal of dishes is something to be consider if you’re looking for more than an a-la-carte order. Do take note that the chef’s special course meal are only available after 6pm as it takes longer preparation time in serving the meal :) 

Chef’s Special Course Meal Set C (3-4 pax). RM 119.90

Some close up shots for the dishes available in the chef’s special course meal we tried: 

Aburi Char Siew (L) & Utsunomiya Sui Gyoza. The soft & literary melt in your mouth Char Siew is still my favourite ramen item. b^^d
Crispy Shrimp Mayo, Tori Momo Karaage & Pork Loin Rei Shabu (L to R). Love the fresh juicy bouncy shrimp with almost impossible to fail mayo. b^^d 
Ebi Chili, Sweet & Sour Pork and Siew Mai (L to R).
Mini Ramen, Sesame Ball and Chef Recommended Salad (L to R).  

Last but not least, thanks to the good folks from Goku Raku Ramen, Jz.World's readers get a 50 % off for the chewy GRR meatballs, simply print out the voucher below and present it while making your order. ;)

-GRR meatballs voucher-

Goku Raku Ramen l 極樂らーめん
Lot S25 & S26, Level 2,
Mid Valley Megamall,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: 03 - 2282 3924
Opening hours: 10.00am - 10.00pm

*Like what you read? Like >Jz.World FB page here< for updates & more fun stuff, cheers!
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