Tuesday, 3 April 2018


There's nothing quite like being outdoors, basking under the sun to celebrate life’s little pleasure with family and friends, complete with a refreshing Somersby cider in hand. This April, Somersby invites cider lovers to make the most of Malaysia’s all-round ‘summer’ by extending experiencing a fun and jolly campaign named Somertime, Anytime featuring Somersby Apple cider, Somersby Blackberry cider and Somersby Sparkling Rosé on the wheel. 

Refreshing Somersby that comes in three variants - Somersby Apple cider, Somersby Blackberry cider and Somersby Sparkling Rosé ;)
At the campaign launch preview held at Glasshouse @ Seputeh recently, three iconic Somertime Volkswagen Kombi vans with open hatch roofs and fold-out countertops, doubling up as Somersby bars, were unveiled to over 300 guests, trade partners and members of the press. The vehicles, decked with flamboyant Somersby branding are deployed to meet cider lovers through nationwide sampling activations celebrating life’s little pleasure when one enjoys a Somersby; as a happy hour drink or during gatherings with good friends; Anytime really!

Catch the iconic Somertime VW Kombi vans this April to celebrate life’s little pleasure with Somersby ^^
During the launch gambit, Carlsberg Malaysia’s management team made a special appearance and served guests their favourite Somersby variants from the makeshift Somertime VW kombi van bars. As guests sipped on their cider, many were seen trying out UV body marbling art with neon and ultraviolet paint as well as the Somersby tree ring toss game. For the social media lovers, lounge pockets such as garden swings, seesaws and ‘hang-out beds’ were the perfect chill out spot to get those Insta-worthy moments! 

Joining in the fun! It's Somertime, Anytime with Somersby~
The Somertime, Anytime consumer engagement allows consumers to mix and match their favourite Somersby Apple, Blackberry & Sparkling Rosé variants. Not only that, buy-1-free-1 vouchers for one (1) 330ml bottle of any Somersby cider variants will be given out through the month of April at respective Somertime, Anytime roving locations. 

Celebrating life’s little pleasures with friends and Somersby at the launch held in
The Glasshouse @ Seputeh ;)
Snap and share your photos when you catch the iconic Somertime VW Kombi vans on Instagram and Facebook with the hashtag #SomertimeAnytime and #SomersbyMY to be in the running to win attractive prizes. Ten (10) Somersby cartons (24 X 330ml) and 30 Somersby 4-can pack (4 x 320ml) are up for grabs! Do check Somersby’s official social media platforms to find out more on the Somertime, Anytime roving schedules and locations near you. 

At selected hypermarkets and supermarkets, Somersby lovers are entitled to one (1) free can (320ml) of Somersby Blackberry with the purchase of a 6-can pack (6x 320ml) of Carlsberg or Carlsberg Smooth Draught. From March 30 to April 1, 4-can pack (4 x 320ml) of Somersby will be going for only RM19.90! 

Purchase a can (320ml) of Somersby at convenient stores such as 7-Eleven, KK Mart and myNEWS.com on April 14 and 15 to enjoy the 2 nd can for half the price! Selected dining outlets and bars will also be featuring weekday and weekend promotions. Happy hour goers will be able to enjoy a bottle of Somersby (330ml) for RM10 before 8pm daily. Somersby will also feature weekend brunch set menus pairing options with a bottle of Somersby (330ml) going for only RM10. 

For more info on #SomertimeAnytime, follow Somersby Malaysia on Facebook at www.facebook.com/SomersbyMY ;)

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Saturday, 24 February 2018

Tiger Beer Launches Its Chinese New Year Campaign For The Year of The Dog~

Starting the year “full” by stocking up on supplies will symbolize a year filled with good vibes, fortune and prosperity. This is one of the beliefs in Chinese culture that the way we start the year will set the tone for the rest of the year. Heineken Malaysia Berhad offers its loyal consumers a great year that overflows with prosperity and togetherness as Tiger Beer unveiled its Chinese New Year campaign packed full of opportunities to win!

Tiger Beer Launches Its Chinese New Year Campaign For The Year of The Dog ^^

The grand launch event was attended by HEINEKEN Malaysia’s management team, trade partners and members of the media. The event was graced by a stunning lion dance performance to bring out the festive feeling among the guests. While the God of Prosperity engaged with the crowd by giving away Mandarin oranges and fortune cookies, guests had the opportunity to participate in a Yee Sang tossing ceremony, gleefully wishing for a bountiful year ahead that will overflow with prosperity and togetherness. Guests were then treated to a delightful dinner while being entertained by May Mow, a local singer, who invoked their joyful spirits ;)

delightful dinner with joyful spirits~

During this delightful season, consumers who fill their glasses with Tiger Beer and other HEINEKEN Malaysia products at participating coffee shops, food courts and Chinese restaurants, can instantly redeem a pack of limited-edition Tiger Beer playing cards while also having the opportunity to take home prizes such as cash ang-pows worth RM99 or cans of Apple Fox Cider ;)

Exclusive Tiger Beer Mahjong sets are on offer at participating stores too. Consumers can own a set at RM99 only, while stocks last, when they purchase one 24-can pack of Apple Fox Cider and two 24-can packs of any other HEINEKEN Malaysia products. Consumers can also keep an eye on the new packaging for Tiger Beer and Guinness during this festive period, designed to make the Chinese New Year celebrations merrier this year.

On top of that, shoppers at selected Tesco outlets in Peninsular Malaysia who purchase HEINEKEN Malaysia products worth RM200 and above will be able to play a game and win even more prizes. Three consumers will also score themselves an opportunity to sprint around a TESCO store to fill their carts with items that will be paid for by Tiger Beer!

a great year that overflows with prosperity~~ ^^

cheers~ for a year of prosperity!

For more information on Tiger Beer Chinese New Year Campaign 2018 and the abundance of promotions, as well as the dates and locations of outlet events, please visit https://www.facebook.com/TigerBeerMY. *These promotions are only open to non-Muslims who are 21 years old and above

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Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Anchor Food Professionals AFP PizzaArt 2018——这些披萨跟你想的完全不一样

被金黄酥皮包裹着的厚馅爆酱起司披萨汉堡PizzBurger、采用350公克纯肉制饼皮再覆盖满满牵丝起司的霸气肉食系披萨UltiMeat Pizza、心型鲑鱼起司普澤卷餅萨Cheese Pretzza、以及脆口清爽的三色披萨卷Pizza Roll.. 没错这些披萨跟你想的完全不一样!纳闷着这些特色披萨的出处?这些可都是纽西兰首屈一指乳製品品牌恒天然Fonterra New Zealand旗下安佳Anchor Food Professionals与雪隆区餐厅最新合作的美味结晶啦  ;) 

对于Fonterra恒天然Anchor Food Professionals安佳专业乳品专业伙伴不太熟悉的吃货朋友们Fonterra可是源自于纽西兰的世界最大乳制品出口和牛奶加工企业哦,而他们家旗下的安佳乳制品系列奶油奶酪牛奶等可是一直都深受广大消费者的喜爱,而本次的Anchor Food Professionals AFP PizzaArt 2018除了将安佳各种美味起司如Anchor Mozzarella Shredded Cheese, Anchor Colby 以及 Cheddar Cheese等与披萨结合之外,更加入了安佳专业乳品专业伙伴的厨师团队的创意点子,而成品便是大家能在指定合作餐厅所能享用到的特色创意披萨料理啦 ;)

在这里先为大家送上来至雪隆区两家餐厅的四款创意披萨料理尝新一下,首先为大家介绍的是数月前刚在PJ SS2重新营业的老字号肉食系餐厅The Butcher's Table,主打新鲜手作肉食料理的餐厅由原是屠夫的何老先生以及家人共同经营,这里的猪肉料理如份量十足的猪脚以及手制香肠等可是小区居民们的点赞美食哦 ;) 而本次主打的创意披萨料理——采用350公克纯肉制饼皮再覆盖满满牵丝起司的霸气肉食系披萨UltiMeat Pizza以及被金黄酥皮包裹着的厚馅爆酱起司披萨汉堡PizzBurger除了分量扎实卖相霸气以外做工还相当考究绝对是肉食爱好者一饱口福的绝佳选择 ;)

The Butcher's Table, SS2 Petaling Jaya
简单的菜单价格公道,肉食是这里的不二主食 :P 

霸气肉食系披萨UltiMeat Pizza大胆的舍弃了披萨饼皮改以特别腌制过的厚切肉片取代,再覆盖以两种Anchor mixed cheeses为主的诱人起司以及烧肉灯笼椒等,暖呼呼上桌的肉食系披萨大口咬下绝对饱足感爆表啦,话说单单作为披萨基底的肉便是扎扎实实的350攻克超大分量所以还是建议大家分着吃啦一个人磕完的话估计挺撑 ;)

采用350公克纯肉制饼皮再覆盖满满牵丝起司的霸气肉食系披萨UltiMeat Pizza

上边除了Anchor mixed cheeses还有烧肉哦 ^^

相较于全肉的UltiMeat Pizza以结合披萨汉堡为发想的PizzBurger则加入了金黄酥皮来取代一般的汉堡面包再佐以培根,下边则是厚厚肉馅及生菜,吃法参照汉堡连酥皮肉馅生菜一口咬下,多层次的口感和融合肉香的起司在嘴里爆发的感觉超棒der~ ^^

厚厚的肉馅里边暗藏惊喜哦 ;)
谜底揭晓:肉馅里边的爆酱牵丝起司很惊喜很诱人啊 ^^

当然若您是相对保守的吃货觉得披萨还是要有基本饼皮及面粉的元素在的话那么在这里为您送上位于IOI Mall Puchong美食街里的新成员Pizza 185,除了原本店家主打的小龙虾披萨以及各种fusion披萨之外融入了Anchor Shredded Mozzarella Cheese, Anchor Shredded Parmesan Cheese等安佳起司的心型鲑鱼起司普澤卷餅萨Cheese Pretzza以及脆口清爽结合了虾子,乌达乌达等的三色披萨卷Pizza Roll是到这里尝新的吃货朋友们所不能错过的 :)

Pizza 185 @ IOI Mall Puchong
店面外观,请无视对镜头很敏感的部落客友人 XD

融入了多种安佳起司的心型鲑鱼起司普澤卷餅萨Cheese Pretzza造型相当别致,外皮挺脆口的同时内层不失嚼劲,搭配调味过的鲑鱼内馅感觉还不赖哦 ;)

心型鲑鱼起司普澤卷餅萨Cheese Pretzza 

脆口清爽的三色披萨卷Pizza Roll则偏向于小吃,一共有虾子、乌达乌达以及瑪莎拉雞肉三种口味,个人较偏向于融合本地特色的乌达乌达口味 ;)

脆口清爽的三色披萨卷Pizza Roll一共有虾子、乌达乌达以及瑪莎拉雞肉三种口味

除了特色披萨Cheese Pretzza以及Pizza Roll这里的其他披萨也都是走fuison的特色口味哦 ;)

搭配满满柴鱼的披萨散发浓浓日式和风 ;)

店家表示小龙虾海鲜披萨是这里的招牌 ;)
卖相想当吸睛啊 ;)

Anchor Food Professionals安佳专业乳品专业伙伴所推出的创意披萨Anchor Food Professionals AFP PizzaArt 2018从即日起已经在全马开跑啦,吃货朋友们欢迎查看以下活动参与店家一尝结合了各式安佳起司的创意披萨吧 ;)

安佳AFP创意披萨在这里找得到👉👉U Pizzeria in Subang, Selangor, Pizza House in Bandar Utama, Selangor, Pizza 185 in Bandar Puchong Jaya, Selangor, Havana in Changkat, Bukit Bintang, The Butcher’s Table in Petaling Jaya, US Pizza in Bayan Lepas & Georgetown, Penang, Mustard Sandwich House and Food & Desire in Ipoh, Perak, Temasek Hotel Café (Portugese Settlement Hotel) in Ujong Pasir, Melaka, Hungry Bear in Bukit Beruang, Melaka, Finale Kitchen Bar in Segamat Johor Bahru, The Chubs Grill and Mad Ben Café in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Osome Wood Fired Pizza in Kuching, Sarawak, Chillax Café & Bistro in Miri, Sarawak and Bistecca & Bistro in Sibu, Sarawak ^^

 ☝☝☝喜欢这篇po文吗?记得到我们的脸书专页点赞 >Like Jz.World FB page here< 以便掌握第一手美食旅游咨询与好康! 
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Monday, 1 January 2018

边走边吃在半岛之南——柔佛新山2D1N觅食行 ft. Crab Factory @ Little Paris,JB世纪砂煲鸡饭,October十月日本料理 @ JP Perdana

柔佛,对于马来半岛国境之南的这一州属为数不多的印像除了首府叫做新山,是马来西亚第五大洲以及与邻国新加坡相当靠近从新柔长提入境新加坡只需一公里多(但超级塞车),以及有着数颗据说风景不赖的岛屿之外便几乎没有其他特别的印像了.. 直到年前首度到访这一州属才在个人对于柔佛的认知里添上数道亮丽风景——在柔州东岸邂逅南中国海升起的太阳、鸵鸟园的亲密接触、鳄鱼池里的150岁庞然大物、皇冠迪沙鲁海景公寓超隐秘私房海滩等各种惊喜让初访国境之南感觉收获颇丰,错过上回游记的新朋友们之后可以点击这里>【Desaru迪沙鲁旅游攻略2016】<划划看看 ;)

承续上回的好印像2017结束以前恰好友人邀约于是便有了二度造访柔洲的半岛之南边走边吃快闪觅食行啦 ^^ 本次趁长周末出游行程只有两天一夜为大家简单的介绍三家本行的特色餐厅,日式、西式、海鲜、本土风味就请大家各选所好啦 ;)

看见柔佛Senai机场的路牌便要已经人在国境之南的土地上啦 ;)

本次觅食行走的是road trip模式,从吉隆玻搭巴士出发前往新山全程约三百三十公里,加上塞车总共耗时4小时半左右,早晨出发中午抵达刚好直接到本次行程第一个点吃午餐。地处JP Perdana JBOctober十月日本料理餐厅位置幽静,除了寿司、生鱼片、日式便当套餐等和风料理之外最吸睛当数餐厅的用心装潢啦,双层半独立式的建筑被大面积的落地玻璃所覆盖,一楼走的是色系偏沉稳的现代日本风,挑高的吧台吊顶灯饰是吸睛主角,二楼则是截然不同的温暖日式家庭风,木色系的空间温馨浪漫 ;) 餐厅边上的小走道上造型鸟居日式石灯及樱花竹子造景相当用心绝对是不容错过的绝佳凹造型美照打卡点啦 ;)

October Japanese Cuisine十月日本料理 @ JP Perdana, JB
餐厅边上小走道的造型鸟居日式石灯及樱花竹子绝对是不容错过的美照打卡点啦 ;)



富贵金元宝,摆盘超漂亮的kawaii寿司球们 ;)


百年鸿运鲑鱼锅物,食用前加入酒精炙烧火灭后再添入高汤,酒精爱好者估计会很喜欢 ;)


顺道推送2018农历新年October十月日本料理的日式捞生,加入wasabi的捞生酱汁是主打特色 ;)


2017岁末提前为2018祈福啦 ^^

饱食丰盛的日式料理以后当然不是直接跳接晚餐啦,但基于本篇po文主打的是边走边吃在半岛之南——柔佛新山2D1N觅食行,于是提前为大家介绍本次行程的晚餐点——位于KSL City Mall旁的80年代风味JB世纪砂煲鸡饭,至于我们在午餐到晚餐之间做了些什么呢在po文最后一part再告诉大家啦 ;)

会发现这家老店纯属偶然,皆因本次入住的KSL Hotel & Resort刚好就在KSL City Mall上边,而听说附近还蛮多好吃的,于是checked-in以后就和友人随便走走觅食然后刚好发现这家店人潮还蛮旺的加上刚好是晚餐时间点于是一连串的刚好之下我们便找到美食啦真的好运气啊呵呵 :P  

80年代风味的JB世纪砂煲鸡饭 ^^

主打招牌砂煲鸡饭份量挺足我们一行四个人点了个large三人份的砂煲鸡饭加上配菜及汤便吃得个不亦乐乎 ;)

1,2,3 rolling in the deep用力拌匀即可享用美味啦~ ^^

JB世纪砂煲鸡饭的招牌砂煲鸡饭确实挺香的,米粒的软硬度刚刚好鸡肉也挺入味,唯一可惜的是鸡肉的滑嫩度低了一丢丢要不然就完美啦 ;) 但总体来说个人还是相当推荐这里因为除了招牌砂煲鸡饭之外我们点的两道配菜招牌豆腐和梅菜扣肉都超好吃的,尤其滑嫩的豆腐骨溜骨溜的就连不爱吃豆腐的同行友人都赞不绝口,梅菜扣肉肥廋适中肥肉软嫩廋肉不柴搭配不死咸的梅菜也很下饭哦 b^^d

骨溜骨溜的招牌豆腐很好吃哦 b^^d
肥廋适中的梅菜扣肉超下饭的单单点这一道我就可以磕一碗饭 b^^d
吃得不亦乐乎的四个人 ^^
JB世纪砂煲鸡饭就在KSL City Mall旁的街上,店面早市卖的是炒粿条晚市则是砂煲鸡饭

高朋满座的店面是引起我们注意的原因,虽然人很多但上菜还算不慢我们从点餐到有得吃大约就等了20多分钟左右 ;)

对了还记得先前提到的KSL Hotel & Resort吗,同场加映为大家稍微介绍一下这一家据说是城里数一数二的热门酒店,除了地理位置超方便之外这里房间也挺舒适的而且在酒店七楼除了泳池之外还有个小型恐龙主题水上乐园哦超适合家庭入住的~ ps:酒店房客凭入住房卡即可免费玩乐园啦 ;)

KSL Hotel & Resort房间挺舒适的 :)
虽然只在十楼(酒店总楼层有20余层还分Tower 1 & 2)但风景还挺不错搭配清晨咖啡就是惬意 ^^
水上游乐园就留给爸爸妈妈们自己发掘咯为大家带来KSL Hotel & Resort的7楼泳池,顺便来个清晨瑜伽  #认识我的人都知道我不会瑜伽 #没带泳裤只好装b :P
酒店的自助早餐虽然味道略为普通但胜在种类多元,从中式点心到西式糕点及马来西亚风味的椰浆饭和印度煎饼统统有啦 ^^

最后压轴为大家送上本次边走边吃在半岛之南——柔佛新山2D1N觅食行的霸气美味海鲜Crab Factory @ Little Paris!位于新山Bandar Jaya Putra的Crab Factory,鲜红与橙色的招牌在JB Little Paris米白色欧风设计商区里显得特别突出,角落间的店面空间宽敞有着室内以及室外用餐区,几乎横跨半个店面的涂鸦墙以及店里水族箱里边的大螃蟹是这里的绝对吸睛亮点 ;)

Crab Factory @ Little Paris, Bandar Jaya Putra, JB
散发优雅欧风的户外用餐区,晚上在这里叹海鲜感觉挺棒啊 ^^
室内用餐区,照片右边是横跨半个店面的巨幅橙色涂鸦墙 ;)
在墙上留下笔迹 ;) #mycrabfactory #JzWorld

餐厅还有许多有趣的拍照的小道具 #SorryBojio :P
个头硕大的新鲜肉蟹,赞! b^^d

新鲜的螃蟹简单的盐烧最为合适,是品尝蟹肉原汁原味鲜甜的最佳选项 ;) 当然除了盐烧螃蟹到Crab Factory绝不容错过的便是他们家主打的手捉海鲜拼盘(Crab Lover Value Meals a.k.a Seafood bag)咯,将肉蟹、小龙虾、青口、大白虾、玉蜀黍、花椰菜等食材入袋浇上特制酱汁,烹调后食用时将大袋海鲜在桌上倾倒而出直接用手抓着吃,简单直接的美味说的就是这一味啦 ^^

新鲜大肉蟹,简单的盐烧是品尝蟹肉原汁原味鲜甜的最佳选项 b^^d
此钳,霸气威武啊有木有 ;)
饱满的蟹钳肉,一口闷便是满满的幸福啊 b^^d
Cracking! Are you ready ;)
手捉海鲜拼盘(Crab Lover Value Meals)in the house,将肉蟹、小龙虾、青口、大白虾、玉蜀黍、花椰菜等食材入袋浇上特制酱汁,烹调后食用时将大袋海鲜在桌上倾倒而出~~~

海鲜拼盘酱汁一共有三个选项,包括了不同辣度的Signature South Bang Sauce辣酱,Salted Egg Sauce咸蛋酱以及Creamy Lemak Sauce牛油酱,嗜辣的朋友们欢迎挑战辣度无极限的Signature South Bang Sauce(我们试的只是微辣对个人而言已经相当刺激咯不能吃辣的朋友建议还是考虑咸蛋酱或牛油酱),以个人口味而言则偏好带点娘惹风味的Creamy Lemak Sauce ;)

Crab Factory @ Little Paris的海鲜拼盘可不是把海鲜从袋中倒出来就完事哦,接着在丰富的海鲜堆上淋上一大碗香喷喷起司才是亮点啦,澎湃的海鲜搭配澎湃的起司,完美~ ^^

let it flow let it flow let that cheese flow~~~
澎湃丰盛叫人食指大动的诱惑 V^^v

起司大白虾 ;)
Signature South Bang Sauce+cheese ;)
Creamy Lemak Sauce b^^d

搭配的炸馒头无论沾上那一款酱汁都超好吃啊 b^^d
人家干杯我们干炸馒头花椰菜,也算相当另类的了 :P
让辣度降温的冰梅子柠檬 :)

当然这里也有其它的各式side-dishes ^^
烤虾、炸鱼片、炸花枝等任君选择 :)
海量的鲜香美味以后再来个暖暖的糖霜甜点划上完美的句点 ^^

结束以前来个景点介绍,到新山的朋友们时间充裕的话可以考虑把新加坡并入行程,爱购物的朋友们则可到距离JB30-40分钟车程的Johor Premium Outlets血拼,新山市区沿柔佛海峡岸边延伸的Danga Bay金海湾以及柔佛苏丹新皇宫也是可以逛逛看看的景点啦,话说新皇宫的4吨重巨型拱形皇冠还真有皇家气魄啊 ^^

聚集各大品牌的Johor Premium Outlets
柔佛苏丹新皇宫,镶满水晶的大皇冠可是有4吨重,最大的水晶据说一颗就有15公斤重哦 ;)
ps: 皇宫特定时段还有音乐喷泉秀哦 
KSL Hotel & Resort十楼走道窗外的新山夜景 ^^

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