Showing posts with label football. Show all posts
Showing posts with label football. Show all posts

Friday 6 November 2015

Ambi Pur + FC Barcelona: Kicking off the Winning Partnership of the Year! Press Launch @ Marble 8, KL

If you’re a fan of soccer and even better a fan of FC Barcelona, here’s something that you wouldn't want to miss out ona glory journey to Camp Nou, Barcelona! Yup you heard me wright, just last Thursday the World’s No.1 Air freshener brand Ambi Pur and one of the greatest club in the football history FC Barcelona announced their regional sponsorship agreement for Southeast Asia at the press launch for the partnership held at Marble 8 Bar & Prive, KL.

Ambi Pur + FC Barcelona: Kicking off the Winning Partnership of the Year! press launch @ Marble 8 Bar & Prive, KL.
official handover of an FC Barcelona football shirt printed with Ambi Pur and the
number 1 marked the launch of the ‘Winning Partnership of the Year’ ;)

The ‘Winning Partnership of the Year’ kicks off with the official handover of an FC Barcelona football shirt printed with Ambi Pur and the number 1, symbolising the coming together of the two World No.1 brands which promised a ‘Smell of Victory’ to their patrons and fans. The partnership will be activated across six countries in the Southeast Asia market including Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand b^^d

Nicolas de La Giroday, Chief Executive Officer Procter & Gamble Malaysia and Singapore.
Zulfiqar Mahar, Associate Brand Director of Air Car Procter & Gamble International Operations.
Xavier Asensi, Asia-Pacific Managing Director of FC Barcelona & Ibnu Jamil, Indonesian celebrity and sports presenter.

Fahrin Ahmad, popular TV personality and sports host in Malaysia :)
Harith Iskandar, Malaysian celebrity comedian as the emcee of the press launch ;)
Ambi Pur + FC Barcelona: Kicking off the Winning Partnership of the Year! ;)

Promised a ‘Smell of Victory’ to their patrons and fans, the newly formed alliance also revealed a ‘Win A Trip To Barcelona Contest’ with the ‘Malodour Penalty Shootout’ game where fans can play to win exclusive merchandise and the grand prize of a glory trip to Camp Nou, Barcelona.  To grab hold of this awesome opportunity simply experience the shootout when it hits roadshows in December with the Ambi Pur + FC Barcelona Tour Bus travelling to selected stores nationwide from Nov 30th – Dec 27th.

quick tour into the Ambi Pur + FC Barcelona Tour Bus ^^

surprising experiment conducted via sweaty football apparel on the bus, wouldn't even notice their existence all thanks to the refreshing Ambi Pur fragrance b^^d
‘Malodour Penalty Shootout’ game, are you up for the challenge ;)
a Fahrin & Harith Iskandar penalty shootout ;)
a glory journey to Camp Nou, Barcelona up for grabs ;)

Follow the tour bus and participate by simply purchasing any two Ambi Car air fresheners in a single receipt and just SMS 016 336 1301 to win (Receipt No., Name, IC No. + complete the slogan in less than 30 words Ambi Pur with FC Barcelona freshens my journey to glory because …"). More deets and full T&C @ ;)

*What's up guys like what you read? LIKE us @>Jz.World FB page here< for more fun stuff & instant updates, cheers! 
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Sunday 27 July 2014

狂野帕岸岛:满月派对电音朝圣之旅 l Full Moon Party @ Koh Phangan, Thailand

作为一位电音乐迷,想必对世界三大电音聖地时有耳闻——西班牙的伊比萨岛(Ibiza)、印度的果阿海滩(Goa 、泰国帕岸岛(Phangan),这三个地方一直是世界户外沙滩狂欢派对的绝对 Top 3。除了拥有‘Rave Party 的發源地、電音乐迷的极乐天堂’等称号,‘一生总要有一次’的tagline更让全世界年轻背包族及电音爱好者把这三个地点列为旅行必到“朝圣”的圣地。

凑巧区区在下七月跳岛之行适逢帕岸岛满月派对之期,作为一位电音爱好者把满月派对纳入行程重点也是非常自然的一件事 XD 话说跳岛归来至今也写了好几篇po文,吃的住宿都有了,所谓好酒沉瓮底,精彩的总在最后,也该是时候向大家介绍本次跳岛的终极主角——帕岸岛满月派对电音朝圣之旅了!

帕岸岛位于苏梅岛北方,面积较泰国第三大岛的苏梅岛小,岛上有两个主要闹区,分别为通沙拉镇 (Thong Sala Town) 及哈润镇 (Haad Rin Town),其中世界闻名的帕岸岛满月派对便是每月月圆傍晚哈润镇的哈润日出沙滩 (Haad Rin Nok Beach) 上举行,具体日期可>点击这里查询<。交通方面帕岸岛与苏梅、涛岛、素叻他尼之间皆有船只接驳交通十分方便。住宿方面,满月派对期间的帕岸岛上住宿往往会因世界各地蜂拥而至的背包客而显得非常吃紧,尤其在哈润日出沙滩附近的住宿更是一房难求,因此建议提早在网上预订住宿免除后顾之忧。想彻夜狂欢到黎明者可入住Haad Rin Nok Beach 附近,距离派对现场只有数步之遥,派对强劲的bass将直接撼动你的房间;要不像我一样入住哈润日落沙滩(Haad Rin Nai Beach)附近,距离派对沙滩步行只需大约10-15分钟,清静之余也很方便。 :)

好咯交通住宿重点搞定,是时候开始派对啦!That’s right party peeps this is FMP @Koh Phangan 2014! Are you ready to partAy~~ 0oo0 0oo0

满月派对所在地,哈润镇的哈润日出沙滩(Haad Rin Nok Beach).. Wa~好多比基尼哦..呃.. 不是啦,我是说沙滩好美哦 :P

首先先介绍派对期间帕岸岛上随处可见的满月派对三大名物——(1)荧光背心,(2bucket桶装式鸡尾酒 &3)荧光纹身。在这里给大家一些小贴士.. 首先荧光背心在岛上售价介于150-250 baht,但每逢星期六的Tong Sala夜市(walking market/street)里只需100 baht便可购得,而且夜市里的食物也超便宜的说。至于bucket这个派对期间几乎人手一桶的东西,一个桶子里一般包含一罐汽泡饮料跟一种烈酒,也有附提神饮料的,价钱约150-300 baht,加了汽泡饮料的烈酒非常的顺口,建议购买一小桶装尝尝鲜即可,太快喝醉可没意思,还是适可而止,再说想加码的话海滩边的7-11里各式饮料是应有尽有,而且价钱更亲民哦 ;)

1)荧光背心,我买了两件 :P
只要看到钟意的图案,谈好价钱后师傅便会开始在你身上‘作画’ :P

满月派对当晚,二公里长的哈润沙滩上每一家Pub/Bar/Club将有各自的DJ播放着不同的音乐曲风,配合灯光镭射及各式游戏表演,R&B, pop, hip-hop, dancefloor classics, progressive house等,总有一种音乐将启动你的节奏 ^^ 一般派对大约在九点以后开始人潮汹涌,建议傍晚先悠闲地吃个晚饭,小酌warm-up,再到处逛逛勘勘景,看看哪家的音乐气氛更合心意,再和来自世界各地的朋友们一起摇摆吧  ;)

当天傍晚先在哈润日落沙滩对夕阳say goodbye(Haad Rin Nai Beach的夕阳可是很有名的哦,千万别错过了)b^^d
再晃到镇上补血为派对做准备。像图里的小吃摊在满月派对当晚在沙滩及大街上也是随处可见滴,而且基本上都会营业至凌晨,所以不必担心派对中或派对后肚子饿啦,感恩 感恩 ^^
8 pm,大伙儿都忙着觅食,为派对储备能源 :P 远处路的尽头便是哈润日出沙滩,也就是帕岸岛满月派对的入口处。
随着时间推进,人潮开始有默契的向海滩进击 ;)
这是一个自由的天堂,所以美女们大方的当街彩绘也很平常 :P
既然可以彩绘脸蛋,当然也可以彩绘身上啦 XD

在帕岸岛派对就是一种生活方式,就像Tiësto`s Club Life Podcast 里提到的——My Life is Club Life (生活就是派对,派对既是生活),而当电音爱好者,喜爱自由的背包客在热情的微笑之都相遇,大家似乎都感染到了那友善及欢乐的气息,在这里没有陌生人,只有还未认识的朋友 ;)

当然也可以请兄弟帮帮忙,来个高难度的飞跃凌波 XD
除了火焰系的游戏,海滩边怎么少得了水系游戏呢..  体验重力加速度的流水滑梯是派对上的另一大热门,美女们似乎很喜欢呢 :P
溜滑梯的几乎是美女哦,我发誓照片都是随机拍的 :P
1130 pm,哈润沙滩正式被人潮淹没,据当地人说上万人的派对场景在这里可是基本款哦,lets get this party started 0oo0 0oo0
Full Moon Party @Koh Phangan, Thailand. #FMP #July2014 ;)

在哈润沙滩长达二公里的众多酒吧中,个人最喜欢的有位于海滩左右两侧的Paradise BungalowsTommy Resort,以及在海滩中段入口处的Cactus,其中Paradise Bungalows为最初的帕岸岛满月派对发源地, 当初发起满月派对正是入住Paradise Bungalows的背包客及老板。(什么你问如何在一个晚上到那么多间酒吧?不必担心,除了party还有after-party嘛,然后还有after after-party, 只要你有足够的精神,音乐将一直陪伴你直到漂亮的日出 XD)

Paradise Bungalows
Paradise Bungalows #TheOriginalFullMoonParty
Cactus Bar.
Tommy Resort :P
Tommy Resort #BeThere #FMP #KohPhangan

由于当天适逢巴西世界杯决赛,所以除了一个超high的沙滩电音派对,大家也难得的收获了一个最酷的football viewing party,赞啦!

月光,沙滩,派对,大荧幕,最棒的2014巴西世界杯决赛football viewing party b^^d
虽然是满月派对,但我们对世界杯还是很认真滴——决赛开踢前阿根廷的支持者们游街为阿根廷加油打气!当然结局大家都知道了,但没关系,酱的经验回忆起依然激荡人心 :P

总结:对于一个去过许多party的人来说,起初我对Full Moon Party并没有太大的憧憬,毕竟经历过Avicii, Armin van Buuren, Afrojack, David Guetta, Pitbull等电音大师live的洗礼后,慢慢地对电音及派对的要求也开始提高,但话说回来,帕岸岛满月派对世界三大电音聖地之称号并非浪得虚名,超high的派对气氛、酷炫的人潮与场景、可圈可点的的DJ sets,一切元素成就了一个‘一生总要有一次’的完美电音Rave Party!*独家认证并推荐!* b^^d

ps: 当然作为世界三大户外狂欢舞会之一,满月、海滩、疯狂的人潮、震撼动感的音乐、超便宜且无限供应的酒精的确非常引人入胜,但在这里还是要提醒大家请理性的对待这一场party,以免乐极生悲,party sensibly, cheers~ 

*Like what you read? LIKE >Jz.World FB page here< for instant updates & more fun stuff, cheers! 
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Friday 20 June 2014

Astro #OlaBola World Cup Party @hongdae-mun, Skypark One City Mall USJ

‘2014, FIFA World Cup will never be the same with Astro joining the Game!’

That was my thought after attending the Astro #OlaBola World Cup Party @HongDae-Mun, Skypark One City Mall USJ, an enjoyable party where some of the coolest FIFA World Cup apps were showcased to us Nuffnangers via Astro Malaysia.  b^^d

Since 1998 Astro-the official broadcaster of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil has been offering the best coverage of the FIFA World Cup to Malaysians and this year despite the live telecast of ALL 64 LIVE matches on Astro TV & Astro On-The-Go, 3 unique apps namely Astro Go 2014 FIFA World Cup, Stadium Astro and Astro Ola Bola Football Predictor are available for football fans simply to ensure an overwhelming world cup experience throughout the month long football fest. Ok enough with the intro, now let’s check out what went down at the party while unveiling the cool features of those apps shall we ;)

Nuffnangers & Churpers turning the restaurant into a sea of football jerseys as we gather before heading to the Astro #OlaBola World Cup Party ;)
Full house at HongDae-Mun, Skypark One City Mall USJ. Football fans ready for #OlaBola World Cup Party with Astro.

With Alice at the party. I’m with Brazil this year ^^ Whose side will you take? Pick your side & join the largest face-painting drive in Malaysia @
meet 'Fuleco' the Armadillo, 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™ official mascot in the house :)
Also joining us at the party, cheerful Reuben Kang & pretty Jun Yong as the hosts of the night. #Astro #OlaBola
Warm up quiz as we kicking start the #OlaBola World Cup Party ^^
Isaac checking out the Astro Go 2014 FIFA World Cup app, this wonderful app offers not only the ultimate experience to all 64 matches of the 2014 FIFA World Cup™ Live from Brazil but also match schedules, results, enhanced statistics of every match, every team and even every player from all 32 countries competing for the title.   
6 iPads representing the 6 multi-cam feeds which fans could select while streaming matches on Astro Go 2014 FIFA World Cup app b^^d
Screenshot of the Astro Go 2014 FIFA World Cup app.
Are you ready for kick-off?! 30 FREE Live matches & ALL 64 LIVE matches brought to you exclusively by Astro ^^

Getting all excited already? Well that’s not all, the next app here is my favourite! Ladies & gentlemen may I introduce to you the Astro Ola Bola Football Predictor! A simple yet superbly entertaining app which will definitely escalate your excitement of watching an ongoing LIVE football match. Showcase your killer instincts by predicting Live matches events (free kicks, corners, penalty etc..) & you might just walk away with a brand new Football Table!

Screenshot of the Astro Ola Bola Football Predictor app.
Bloggers & Churpers trying out the Astro Ola Bola Football Predictor at the the Astro #OlaBola World Cup Party.

Finally if you’re a hardcore football fan with a wide range of interest into football, Stadium Astro would be the app for you. This ‘sports-bible-like’ app offers coverage on all your favourite sports on both the domestic and international front, Barclays Premier League, European football leagues, UEFA Champions League etc.. All in one with only a touch away :) 

Stadium Astro app (web version: for hardcore football fans.
Last but not least, congratulation to Italy team bloggers who won the station games, #OlaBola excitement overload ;)

Astro #Ola Bola 2014 FIFA World Cup apps:

Astro On-The-Go (Android:, iOS:
*  Astro Go 2014 FIFA World Cup (Android:, iOS:,      
    web player:
Stadium Astro (Android:, iOS:
Astro Ola Bola Football Predictor (Android:, iOS:

*Like what you read? Follow >Jz.World FB page here< for instant updates & more fun stuff, cheers! 
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