Saturday 18 March 2017

寻找记忆里朴实亲民的古早味——百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine @ Desa Sri Hartamas

位于Desa Sri Hartamas百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine是这一区的新晋店家之一," 百家百味,味濃情濃 ",简单的八个字一句话贴切简洁的道出了百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine店家简单平实的经营模式 ;)

百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine @ Desa Sri Hartamas——记忆里朴实亲民的古早味 ;)
百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine @ Desa Sri Hartamas

菜单都是朴实亲民的中式古早味与国民美食 ;)

散发丝丝南洋风情的店面聚集了各式各样颇具本土情怀与风味的经典款美味,除了香滑的海南鸡饭、国民美食Nasi Lemak猪肠粉等不得不提的当然便是店家主打的潮州傳統面食——面卜 b^^d 

面卜(又称麵薄)是时下市面上较为少见50-60年代潮州人记忆里的古早美味,扁细弹口的薄面条搭配上肉碎和酱料干拌,大口吸入朴实无华的面食却让人有种暖暖的满足感,细品之下才赫然发觉面条间销魂脆口的猪油渣以及猪油香气是这箇中关键 ;)

招牌面卜 Signature Mee Pok,扁细弹口的薄面条搭配上肉碎和酱料干拌是50-60年代潮州人记忆里的古早美味 b^^d
搭配面卜的清汤也很清甜 ;)
美味有时可以很简单 ^^

店家主打的古早味招牌面卜采用的可是手工制作的潮州傳統面卜,弹口的面卜完全不含防腐劑及添加素新鲜度满分,搭配色泽金黄诱人的香喷喷脆口猪油渣及肉末大口吸入便是儿时回忆里温暖简单的幸福滋味 ^^ 店家也说了这里的面食可全都是以面粉类的手工面为主所以口感Q弹而且重点是完全没有恼人的碱水味啦 b^^d

芹菜面 Celery Noodles ^^

芹菜的味道原本就较为两极化,喜欢的人很爱不喜欢的人则总是始终如一的敬而远之,但原本以为百味濃芹菜面看起来绿油油的绝对是百分百的蔬菜挂而且芹菜味会超重,结果一试之下作为一枚对芹菜保持中立角度的吃货个人觉得芹菜面的口味还是相当适中滴不重不淡恰到好处 *哎哟 不错哦* 负责任的说一句只要您不是芹菜重度抗拒者个人推荐这一碗非常值得一试啦 ;)

味道恰到好处的芹菜面 Celery Noodles ^^
搭配半熟蛋黄的金家乡面 Golden Homemade Noodles也很香滑诱人 ;)

话说这里的面食份两还满实在的一大碗的咖喱面RM 7.5价格还挺亲民,其它面食价位也都介于RM 7.5-8.5之间,老板表示食材新鲜价格公道的坚持只因为在记忆里的古早味都并非那么昂贵 ;)

咖喱面 Curry Mee

海南鸡饭 Hainan Chicken Rice,油亮滑嫩的鸡肉光看就很有食欲有木有 ;)
国民美食Nasi Lemak ;)

除了本土及古早味主食之外中式甜品譬如老姜汤圆、白果腐竹薏米、红豆西米糖水及小吃如福州丸、猪肠粉、芋头糕等在百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine也都找得到哦,无论是早\午餐或小聚偶尔走个古早味风回忆过去感觉也挺不赖的哦 ;)

锅贴 Fried Dumpling
咖喱猪肠粉 Curry Chu Cheong Fun
不想太普通的话也可以试试带锅气的炒猪肠粉 Fried Chu Cheong Fun b^^d

百味三宝 Bai Wei Trio Platter
招牌海南茶 Signature Hainan Tea ;)

除了各种价格亲民朴实无华的古早美味百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine @ Desa Sri Hartamas也有推出经济实惠的早餐套餐哦,想要搜寻更多记忆里的古早美味与面食请戳他们家官方脸书 @  ;)

百味濃 Bai Wei Cuisine 
38G, Jalan 28/70A, 
Desa Sri Hartamas, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: 03-2389 3701

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Sunday 12 March 2017

Johnnie Walker® Expands The Scotch Industry with Its Latest Experimental Whiskies——The Blenders’ Batch

Johnnie Walker®, the world’s number one-selling Scotch, houses a team of expert blenders that create the perfect blends, while having hundreds of ongoing new experiments with flavours being carried out by them. Now, for the first time ever, the brand is opening its doors to these experiments with the release of a range of new blends – Johnnie Walker® Blenders’ Batch ^^

A bold experiment in flavour, Johnnie Walker® Blenders’ Batch Bourbon Cask & Rye Finish has been drawn from over 200 whisky samples, aged in first-fill bourbon casks and finished for up to six months in former rye casks ;)
The #Evenfall features Johnnie Walker Blenders’ Batch Bourbon Cask & Rye Finish, vermouth rosso, maraschino liquor, cinnamon syrup and Yuzu juice b^^d
The #Butter-Fly features Johnnie Walker Blenders’ Batch Bourbon Cask & Rye Finish, salted butter vanilla syrup and lemon juice ^^

Johnnie Walker® Blenders’ Batch is a brand new, limited edition series of experimental whiskies that challenge convention while revealing the skills and continuous pursuit of flavours that drives the small team of expert blenders led by Master Blender, Dr. Jim Beveridge, a man whose personal journey making whisky began over 40 years ago. Inspired by the time he spent blending bourbon and rye in Kentucky in the 90s, the first Johnnie Walker Blenders’ Batch series are the result of experiments into the influence of bourbon and rye whisky flavours on Scotch. 

With the believes that experiment is the key to innovation. The Johnnie Walker blending team have been experimenting with flavours to ensure that the blends are of the best it can be for the past 200 years through various techniques, expertise and advances in science. The first whisky from the Blenders’ Batch series that is being released is the Johnnie Walker Blenders’ Batch Bourbon Cask & Rye Finish. Bottled in individually numbered bottles, this limited edition liquid is part of the progression in making whiskies that a new generation of whisky drinkers are seeking. The outcome of the experiments focused on what happens when the intensely sweet flavours of bourbon and rye whiskies are brought together with the depth and subtlety of carefully crafted Scotch whisky.

Scottish-inspired cocktails by the skilled bartenders at The Vault KL
using Johnnie Walker Blenders’ Batch Bourbon Cask & Rye Finish ;)
The #Evenfall
The #Butter-Fly

The new blend is a bold experiment in flavours which are drawn from over 200 whisky samples, aged in first-fill bourbon casks and finished for up to six months in former rye casks. Featuring whiskies from just five distilleries including Dufftown and the now closed Port Dundas, the Johnnie Walker Blenders’ Batch Bourbon Cask & Rye Finish is rich and warming with an intense honeyed sweetness. 

To showcase the new Johnnie Walker Blenders’ Batch, more than 300 Malaysians were invited to unlock Johnnie Walker’s latest innovation at The Vault, Kuala Lumpur on March 1 & 2, where they express their creativity and experimented with flavours by whisking up their own concoction of Scotch-inspired cocktails using simple ingredients such as eggs, cinnamon sticks, ginger, coffee, vanilla and fruits.

Savouring some lovely Scottish-inspired cocktails by the skilled bartenders at The Vault KL
using Johnnie Walker Blenders’ Batch Bourbon Cask & Rye Finish b^^d
Invited guests were invited to experiment with flavours by making their
own cocktails using Johnnie Walker Blenders’ Batch ;)

DJ Von stirred up the night by bringing an electrifying mood to the guests through pump-up music that incorporated Scottish beats!

Guests also enjoyed the blending sounds of Scottish beats and modern tunes at the event and were treated to a fine selection of scrumptious bites at the Johnnie Walker Blenders’ Batch Food Truck ;)

The Johnnie Walker Blenders’ Batch food truck provided a fine selection of scrumptious bites later in the evening for the guests who enjoyed indulging in the bite-sized food on wooden skewers #LokLokTime ;)

Consumers can now enjoy a variety of Johnnie Walker Blenders’ Batch Bourbon Cask and Rye Finish cocktails at select outlets nationwide including Mish Mash, The Vault, Forking Cork, Urban & Co, Culture Club, Mulligan's Signature, Pawn Room, The Attic, Berlin, Chaze, Suzie Wong, Locker & Loft and O'Sesame for a limited time only. For more information, log on to Johnnie Walker® Official website @ or Facebook page @

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Friday 3 March 2017

Canton2go Mini Buffet Delivery:迷你自助餐外送到你家从此开趴So Easy

三五好友或公司行号聚餐总是都市人繁忙工作与生活中一个颇受大伙喜爱的美味调剂品,而如今随着主打‘何时何地都能与好友挚爱享用美食’的Canton2go迷你自助餐外送服务在雪隆区横空出世以后巴生河流域的家庭与吃货朋友们可就有福啦,无论是好友派对家庭聚会或公司行号活动从此恼人的食物安排与准备只要登录网络再连接到Canton2go的网络迷你自助餐外送服务平台点餐全都在弹指之间即可轻松解决完全无烦恼啦 ;)

Canton2go迷你自助餐外送服务 @ 

有别于一般catering自助餐服务的人数局限Canton2go迷你自助餐外送服务只要区区十人即可通过他们家的网络订餐平台下单,除了多达50种的各式中式美食任君搭配挑选而且只要在前一天下单隔天便可在隔天的指定时间内(12 pm-8 pm)收到餐点,自动到府的除了菜肴之外还附送免洗桌布和餐具,聚餐后连繁琐的清理和洗碗功夫都不必烦恼一并解决咯感觉超棒的啊 ^^

十人份的迷你自助餐外送到你家,从此开趴聚餐通通So Easy ;)

随餐附送的餐具和免洗桌布让餐后整理也很轻松 :) 

完美的聚餐就是大家只需准备好肚子开吃就好啦 ^^

目前服务范围涵盖巴生河流域的Canton2go Mini Buffet Delivery迷你自助餐外送服务菜色主打中式料理,包装精美卫生的道道菜肴都是经由经验老道的星级厨师所设计,而且外送服务还很贴心的考量了送餐时间务求保持食物送到的温度卖相与口味,我们尝试的十人份迷你自助餐包括了柠檬鸡排、豆瓣酱焖鱼片、咕噜肉、桂花銀丝炒蛋、XO醬四大天王、咖喱马铃薯鸡等表现都可圈可点色香味俱全的菜肴相当让人满意啊 ^^

咖喱马铃薯鸡 b^^d

桂花銀丝炒蛋 ^^
柠檬鸡排  ^^


一套基本十人份的迷你自助餐除了七道可各自随意搭配的菜肴之外还包括了炒饭或面食的主食,水果甜点以及搭配菜肴的沾酱,而且外送服务从10-100人皆可下单哦 ;)

点击Mix & Match便可随意搭配自己喜欢的迷你自助餐啦 ;)
道道佳肴自动外送到府聚餐从此轻轻松松不再需要为食物烦恼啦 ^^

除了目前多达50余种菜肴的迷你自助餐Canton2go亦即将推出弥月套餐以及派对套餐等更多元的选择想了解详情或订餐的吃货朋友们请点击他们家的官网@ 或脸书@ 查询就可以啦 ;)

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Saturday 25 February 2017

GUINNESS St. Patrick’s Day 2017——Biggest St. Patrick’s Celebration Ever!

Irish eyes are set to smile on Malaysia this coming March, as Malaysia (and Ireland)’s favourite black brew, GUINNESS, will be hosting the largest St. Patrick’s party the country has ever seen. Taking place in various locations simultaneously across Peninsular and East Malaysia on the weekend of 17th-19th March 2017, drinkers can expect an authentic Irish experience of great music, great food, great craic, and of course – great beer ;)

St. Pat's - Media Preview NightDonkey & Crow Irish Pub, TREC Kuala Lumpur
—Let's Get Together— ^^

The central event, a three-day festival of GUINNESS and all things Irish, will take place at Publika, Kuala Lumpur, from Friday 17th - Sunday 19th March, and is open to the public. Featuring three days of live performances, exciting games and activities, delicious Irish food & Guinness infused dishes and free GUINNESS giveaways, this St. Patrick’s Weekend is set to be the biggest and best celebration this side of Dublin!

Satellite events will also take place on St. Patrick’s Day itself – Friday 17th March – in Penang, Ipoh, Johor, and Kota Kinabalu, spreading the cheer nationwide. This will coincide with events held in Dublin, New York, Sydney, and many other cities across the world, bringing hundreds of thousands of people together to lift a glass of GUINNESS in the air and embrace their honorary Irishness. 

—Let's Get Together— with the Guinness Team ;)
Nick Larkworthy, Marketing Manager of Guinness in da house~

And the fun doesn't end yet, the Malaysia (and Ireland)’s favourite black brew GUINNESS has also partnered with Grab to offer one lucky passenger an all-expense-paid trip to Dublin for themselves and a friend! Grab users simply need to enter the promo code ‘IRELAND’ into the Grab app, and not only will they receive an immediate RM5 discount on their next ride, they will automatically be part of the competition. The competition runs from 20th February until 16th March 2017, and at the end of the contest period, the Grab user with the highest number of rides accumulated will be jetting off to Dublin v^^v

#PouryourownPint ^^
To St. Patrick’s, To friendship ;) #TraditionalIrishMusic

This St. Patrick’s Day, more than 13 million pints of the black stuff will be consumed in 150 countries across the world – proving that on St. Patrick’s Day, everyone is Irish ;) So what are you waiting for get out your green clothing, practise your best Irish accent, and get together with friends and GUINNESS this St. Patrick’s Weekend. Sláinte!

Visit for more information on the GUINNESS St. Patrick’s Weekend, the Grab contest, and to find out where the roving teams will be this month ;)

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